Eh, love that song from Ozzy Osbourne
Eh, love that song from Ozzy Osbourne
Idk, I never use headphones jack in phone’s box as I already have mine. And smaller boxes might be a purely economical decision, but it still has an impact on transportation.
My man is trying to install both games on a PlayStation One memory card
Thanks for the quick link, just donated.
The Apple part might change quite soon, with the EU’s Digital Market Act. Apple will have to allow users to download apps from other markets than the Appstore.
I don’t think any of us will still be alive to witness this game
If someone would use in a Yt video 0,001 ms of a Pokémon sound, Nintendo would sue the guy, kidnap his family, kill the hamster and shit on the bed.
To be fair, the last ones are quite good. It’s sad to see those games with such a toxic business model.
Didn’t really like it, quite underwhelming.
I doubt that, but OK.
Knowing how much personal data they harvest, why on Earth would you download this malware ?
Wind Waker for me !
No kink shaming in the zoo pls