You have the quote right there “some government officials” =/= official government policy. Hell we have plenty of government officials in the US claiming women have no rights to their bodies. That’s not a federal government policy.
You have the quote right there “some government officials” =/= official government policy. Hell we have plenty of government officials in the US claiming women have no rights to their bodies. That’s not a federal government policy.
The equivalent in the US is an NRA meeting. Some politians might attend it, but that doesn’t dictate the whole US government’s stance on the issue.
English comprehension is not your thing, is it?
So firing rockets specifically at civilian population is fine as long as both sides do it? Are you going to throw in the “but they didn’t condemn Hamas” meme next?
Honestly, 15 rockets is nothing. Usually they’re firing hundreds of them. Their stock must be running low for some reason…
From the article:
The accusations come after years of tensions between Israel and the agency known as UNRWA over its work in Gaza, where it employs roughly 13,000 people.
Looks like you have some bad info.
Must have been an accident: Hamas: We do not harm civilians, especially women, children and elderly
Just another 10 accidents on top of the last 30000 of accidents.
It’s about as illegal as the US’s occupation of America.
Maybe because Hamas terrorists have legs and escaped from the north to the south. They didn’t exactly stay in the north and fight away from civilians.
That’s like trying to pass a law in North Dakota and asking if the same law will also apply to South Dakota.
Just a point of clarification, Hamas does operate in the West Bank, but they don’t control or manage it.
From what we’ve seen of Russia’s army. I think the US is ready. The only question remains, which branch of the military will achieve tactical superiority first. One could argue the Air Force because air superiority is usually one of the first things the US does, but the Navy might achieve that faster. Not to mention they could achieve water superiority even sooner by sinking the entire Russian navy.
You’re welcome to do your own research. I don’t care to do it for you when you’re just going to dismiss any evidence as propaganda.
Hamas doesn’t have any good will. Their policy is that a good Palestinian is a dead Palestinian caught on camera. They’re terrorists through and through.
Good thing you’re not the authority on any legal matters.
There is no point in arguing this thread is already full of the Hamas propagandists down voting and using the full playbook of logical fallacies they’ve been trained on.
Let’s not forget that Hamas crisis actor that is in all their propaganda videos and the dead bodies taking coffee breaks between takes.
Well Hamas uses them to terrorize both Israelis and Palestinians. They’re made out of concrete that was given to people to rebuild their homes, and used to fire rockets out of next to their schools and hospitals.
At what point do you just take out the Iranian government and let the rest of the rats scurry away with their head cut off?
At a previous job I had, we were only given options for 1080p monitors. I ended up with a total of 5 and needed all of them.