Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I personally like it, even so my main reason for recommending it is the fact that it has many features and supports a wide range of ebook formats, more than the stock Ereader apps usually do.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I personally like it, even so my main reason for recommending it is the fact that it has many features and supports a wide range of ebook formats, more than the stock Ereader apps usually do.
That’s why you shouldn’t buy books from Amazon or other online ebook stores instead just download the ePubs elsewhere.
I’d also highly recommend KOreader if you have a Kindle or Ereader which supports it, as it supports many more formats and has a nice interface.
Let’s also not forget their many privacy violations, including secretly whitelisting Facebook trackers that everyone seems to have forgot about.
How do we prevent that from being abused to ostracize users who people just disagree with? Like how downvotes are used to suppress distenting opinions.
Well it’s actually only Admins and instance-level moderators who can do it at the current time. Regular community mods can’t see them or pull them up, at least not in the current version of Lemmy.
It was his main comment which had the votes slashed, it was sitting at -40 but was slashed to -30. Speaking in terms of raw downvotes not just score. The +42 score it had didn’t change at all.
That’s Gorhill for you, very pissed off, very emotional, not very emotionally bright.
I reported their comment for suspected downvote manipulation earlier and requested the admins investigate the votes. Now I came back and 10 of the downvotes were slashed off of it. So it seems like those ‘astronomically low odds’ turned out to be at least partially correct. Otherwise why would the admins have slashed 10 downvotes from the post. It feels like the odds that 10 people had a change of heart are more astronomically low than the more likely reason which is that they got their votes slashed and their accounts banned by the admins due to an investigation finding them to be downvote bots or downvote trolls.
People aren’t shitting on Firefox, people are shitting on Mozilla and rightfully so. Mozilla has made many bad decisions, decisions that may call into question the future of Firefox and whether their decisions will compromise it as a privacy friendly browser. After all if Mozilla starts making changes which are harmful towards privacy and hard codes them into the browser, there’s no getting around that with user.js tweaks, that requires more work to fix.
Thankfully there are forks of Firefox but since those depend on the upstream from Mozilla the more they change the harder it is to undo those changes. A manifest V3 style change (which isn’t happening now but could happen in the future if they get into advertising), would be devastating, because even if Librewolf can undo those changes, it’s very likely they would have to implement their own extension distribution system because AMO would very much reject incompatible add-ons in that scenario.
So yeah people do have the right to criticize Mozilla in this regard, this trend has happened before, it will continue to happen in the future. Enshittification is a slow and ugly process, best to catch it in the early stages than to wait it out until you’re already boiling (frog boiling analogy).
Email and message summarization also introduces new problems that don’t happen when using a chatbot for questions and answers since through the process of summarization it removes information from the original text and may remove key information or mischaracterize the message. The ways it may do this stuff isn’t exactly predictable either. It’s also harder since it’s not about proving that something is true or not based on outside sources, it’s about it being accurate to what they said, which may not be provable to outside sources.
Wоw thаոk yоu sо muсh, thіs іs еvеո bеttеr thаո whаt і wаs ԁоіոg, іt lооks muсh сlеаոеr tоо. Wоulԁ bе hаrԁ fоr реорlе tо tеll whаt іs gоіոg оո аt fіrst glаոсе.
Τhоugh і ԁо fеаr thаt thе wаy thіs оոе ԁоеs іt mіght ոоt butсhеr іt еոоugh fоr аі summаrіzеrs tо рісk uр thе mеаոіոg frоm thе wоrԁs, іt’s ոоwhеrе ոеаr аs butсhеrеԁ. Whісh іs why іt mіght bе ոееԁеԁ tо сrеаtе оոе lіkе thіs sресіfісаlly fоr fіghtіոg аі summаrіzаtіоո.
I more so meant Lemmy’s Devs allowing Lemmy itself to interoperate with Mastodon and allowing us to see content from mastodon here. I have no doubt that one could create an app that allows users to login to both Lemmy and mastodon accounts to see data from both, it would require special considerations when building the client though since Lemmy itself doesn’t allow access to Mastodon’s user posted content.
Many also fear that it will lead to misunderstanding and rampant misinformation. Which at the current trajectory is not an unreasonable fear.
If AI summarization becomes uncomfortably popular, I hope реοριe bеgiи цsing меtноds tо bгеαk iτ, whеп thегe is sомe imрoгtαиt inГогмαtiοn γоυ doи"t шαnt sцмmaгizеd, dυе tо рσteпtiаΙ foг мissrергeseпtатiοη bγ βαd sцмmагizαtiои Ьγ thе ΛΙ. ΜаγЬe sомeοηe сåп mаκе α tоοl tо do tнis αutοмаtiсаIly, siпсe it is tеdiоцs tο dø ît mаиυαIIγ.
(This comment is a demo on how that can be done.)
Most people these days refer to them as posts, toots is older Mastodon linguo.
As far as I’m aware most instances no longer refer to them as “toots” and instead refer to them as posts. Likely because “toot” is used in some places to refer to farts.
I guess depending on the instance it’s not necessarily over-using it, as the point is to report content that isn’t up to the instance or community’s standard. On some instance that includes disinfo, on others it doesn’t.
Good news is that many instances on Lemmy are less tolerant to alt-right trolls and climate deniers. Best to use that report function so your admins, or even better, their admins, can snipe them.
I mean anyone is free to try their hand at reproducing it better, I’m sure the spot hasn’t changed that much since the modern one here was taken, and if it has, well it’ll just make the comparison that much more dramatic.
It’s because the devs just don’t want to. Not really sure why, would be good to have that kind of interoperability.
Well considering Brave secretly whitelisted Facebook trackers in the past without telling people I’d say they’re not really the best option when it comes to the whole valuing privacy thing. That’s not about personal beliefs it’s about them doing things that deliberately compromise users’ privacy.
They don’t actually care about life, they just don’t want women to have control over their bodies.