Cruise ship. They’re basically very sad apartment buildings on water and with more pollution.
Cruise ship. They’re basically very sad apartment buildings on water and with more pollution.
But when the lot starts to fill up (which “usually happens at 4AM or so,” according to Tung) what looks like a maddening ballet of autonomous parking — and honking — begins. The noise goes for as much as an hour at a time before it settles down, she said.
Did you read the article? Because that sounds really egregious.
It’s something you have to worry about in basically all apartments (in the US–despite thin walls and no insulation, I never had loud and inconsiderate neighbors when I lived in Japan). You might get lucky and get a place with good soundproofing, but the odds are slim.
Maybe there are no stupid questions, but there are bad questions.
Your neighbor is legally correct, unless the roots are causing significant damage, in which case you can probably get them held liable for repair.
Don’t give him advice, for fuck’s sake. He’s the bad guy in this scenario.
I hope you realize that you are the bad guy in this scenario.
You have the right to trim limbs that hang over your property, as long as it doesn’t damage the health of the tree. That’s it. You can’t kill part of a tree, just like you can’t kill part of a person or part of a cow or whatever else.
Your neighbor is not crazy for wanting the tree to remain healthy. Trees are a good thing for both the environment and for mental health and are important for providing shade in a warming world. Their leaf litter is also important for insects and birds.
Getting so worked up about some leaves that you want to kill somebody else’s clearly beloved tree suggests that you are being unreasonable. Invest in a leaf blower or hire someone to deal with the leaves if it’s such a big deal to you. Or, better yet, leave them so they can help the local environment.
Someone’s never heard of tree law. If you do go this route, please update us when you get sued.
Thank you for taking the time!
It was bullshit that she was arrested for something stupid, but she did break their laws, and it’s also bullshit that she got out of it just because she was some semi-well-known athlete. Oh, and it’s bullshit that an arms dealer got released to secure her return. She really fucked up.
Out of curiosity, could you share which are some of the bigger schools for collegiate shooting? I’ve never heard of any having such a program.
Being female is just a nightmare on so many levels.
Most of his fanboys probably can’t recognize his voice.
I’m not sure that reminding us that Doge died is really helpful or relevant…
Growing up in New Jersey, where we had Wawa everywhere, 7-Eleven was the “dirt convenience store” like how some towns back then had the good mall and the dirt mall. I was shocked when I moved to another state and found out that 7-Eleven was considered the good convenience store.
I spent a bit of time living in Japan, and to this day, years later, I still frequently dream of visiting Japan and one of my top priorities being going to kombini (convenience stores). They’re amazing. I hope 7-Eleven is able to transform the convenience store experience in the US into a kombini experience.
The people in the video appeared unscathed.
That would be so cool to see in person.
tl;dr: Florida
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