Interested in Music, Tech, and Photography. I’m always ready to strike up a conversation. Although I might not always be the most informed, please, enlighten me I am willing to learn. <3 Duncan
This is just completely disgusting. When everyone failed her the law wasn’t even on her side. Say what you want about abortions in general, but the audacity that people have to make getting abortions under rape or complications political is just disgusting. My heart truly goes out to this little girl, and her family, but especially the little girl. I can’t imagine the amount of life altering trauma she has gone through, and how this is going to affect her for the rest of her life. This shouldn’t happen to anyone. What the fuck is wrong with people.
This is seriously cool. I’ve been waiting for this for a while.
I just know that those 12 people who down voted this are also some of those superficial beings. Like really? Grow up, the products you use shouldn’t have any effect on your ability to be friends with someone. I find it extremely hard to believe that their are full grown adult human beings that believe this is.
Thank you!