A grow space for bugs & plants is what I was thinking of. The best word or phrase to relay that is elusive to me currently (darn mental secretary taking a lunch or coffee break)
A grow space for bugs & plants is what I was thinking of. The best word or phrase to relay that is elusive to me currently (darn mental secretary taking a lunch or coffee break)
Infants in the glove are pre-stingy (takes some time out of the mudshell-papoose before their stingers harden, right? Wasp pubescence, brought to all by air.).
Stands to reason, untended (by adult wasps) mud dressed larvae can be relocated stinger- free.
Motivation to start an atrium? Or murder. Or sacrifice the gloves to the WaspBiome.
Damn answers leading to more questions.
Never heard them squawk like that (or make any noise). Different katydid strains globally, I’m sure.
Endangered species!
Take the pics while you can!
Some nice YouTube vids on repairing ‘burnt’ LEDs. A lot of times, it’s a single LED (of 12), bypass that, light works again.
Fairly straightforward breakdancing.
Or just break stepping.
Thanks for the work. Looking forward to utilizing it.
Post-installation notes rather than installation guide (as he says in the writ).
Interested in trying it, &, as others note, with Audio (as well as Video) editing/creation software.
Audacity, Ardour, Blender to name a few.
Happy to hear of others, will be doing a bit more research.
Numerous studies around the world have shown better productivity with the 30ish hour week: better attitude, fewer mishaps, more focused work groups… Glad to see it done & voiced in the US (again).
I’m not talking about what they’re doing now, I’m talking about how they became the current dictatorship. CIA meddling gave rise to the '79 revolution Iran. Gave them what they have now.
Iran used to be a happening place in the early 70s.
Still new to the Fediverse, always held to the notion that global decentralized communication is the way forward for humankind to develop & improve.
As has the US in Iran…and thousands of others that I’m ashamed I do not know well/remember
Follow the money. Democricide marketing in the US has had strong Russian backing.
As the US has.
eg:Know any MAGAhats? PutinPR marketing for the WarOnDemocracy, US branch
Legalize dueling NOW!
As a fellow child of the 80s…
Thanks! I hadn’t heard (or seen) this one.
I’d love to see the war hawks from all sides put in a fighting ring. No more sending people to die for their inability to converse peaceably. You wanna fight? Do it in the ring. No civilian casualties. Put on a good show, let the audience decide what happens with the results of the fight. No one has to die, just fight until you’re ready to talk.
Dwarf bunny?
Or just super-young?
“My throne is this meadow!”
Repo man 1984 (Henry Dean Stanton & Emilio Estavez’ most iconic movie)
Suburbia 1983 (most punk bands in a movie, ever, at the time?)
And there’s Top Secret (1984), Val Kilmer’s first movie, made by the Airplane! ZAZ team.