The UK. Style guides say to be guided by pronunciation, not just always bang 's on the end
The UK. Style guides say to be guided by pronunciation, not just always bang 's on the end
Unless you’re in other countries, not the usa
Honestly, slow down the writing and just keep practicing.
What exactly is your question?
I think the government would find it difficult to make all the young people go. If they all protest, what are they going to do, put them in our overcrowded prisons?
There’s a website called 7 cups of tea which is what I think you might be thinking of https://www.7cups.com/community/
Ah yes, a Putin, the bastion of honesty and truth.
They usually charge for the extra shot
Many companies are not that cash rich, if that was most of their bank balance, and they have $100k debt, suppliers may refuse to any more service until debts have been repaid. Can’t acquire what you need, can’t produce what you need to sell to raise the cash, so you go under.
A company large enough would have internal auditors so that would probably be unnecessary. But best practice is to have segregation of duties and layers of authority, so that no one person has too much power. (source, am an auditor)
This is why you never have one person responsible for finance without oversight. Who was reviewing budgets, checking the bank balance etc? How could one person make payments alone?
The lack of humanity is shocking
I have never heard the insult ‘shitgibbon’ before, but i love it
It’s difficult to tell but as a long time glasses wearer I can tell you it’s probably just the sweat/oils of your head reacting with the metal of your glasses. You might be able to clean some of it off but it’s likely just going to be like that going forward.
It’s even happening in the uk, although I’m not convinced anyone actually does tip on these screens
We’re not… Don’t expect this woman to be in charge at the next election …
Thankyou for those that gave constructive answers and didn’t assume anything about my relationship
I find this difference interesting, in the UK if someone has a home delivery it’s into your home, not left at the kerb.