Fish lips happen from a general unhappiness.
Fish lips happen from a general unhappiness.
The fact that any group aside from white men voted for trumpism is the issue. The disconnect was the complicit main stream media sane washing the craziness. They put racism/homophobia/fascism on the same level as Harris’ policies.
You’re supposed to leave no trace.
That looks like an ill-eagle. Set him free in a sanctuary.
It’s because of the laws called Police Officers Bill Of Rights. The law essentially ensures that police are investigated and cleared by other police and forbids civilian oversight.
Principals avoid taking actions that will put their campus in a negative light. They will call the police only when the situation cannot be hidden from the public such as a gun, assault with a weapon, or criminal trespassing. Teachers can only enforce the policies that the admin are willing to enforce. They’re also discouraged from pressing charges under that of losing their job.
Conservatives always want to have a free “marketplace of ideas” until it’s something they fear.
They have roses
It makes sense if you accept that fascism was exported by the US. That and the national imperialist attitude is what you’re noticing.