• 13 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2020


  • The search term persistence is nice, when you want to change what you searched for, e.g. add another word to narrow it down more. It’s been the behavior on mobile for a while, and I was skeptical at first, too, but you just really don’t need to see the URL of your search engine. Well, unless you’re trying to add it to the browser, but at that point, the search term persistence won’t yet happen.

  • Oh yeah, you can, but it makes it pretty much impossible to discern between commits in the action run overview. So, if something broke between one change and the other, then you’d have to just kind of know what that change was.
    That is obviously doable, if you make a singular change, then wait for the result before you make the next change. But I often had the problem that I would get interrupted or that I had to continue on the next day, so when I wasn’t quite as clear anymore what lines I changed precisely. Or what also often happened, is that I would get bored while I’m waiting for the action run to complete, so I start making the next change before I know whether the previous change was successful (I guess, this only really starts to become a problem, if it takes 30+ minutes for the run to complete).

    But yeah, I put them onto a separate branch, so I can easily squash them into one commit before putting them back onto the proper branch.

  • During the parsing step, you check that the list has at least one element. If it does not, you report an error to the user and exit. If it does, you take the first element in the least and store it in the left side of your tuple, and then the remaining elements of the input list go into the right side of your tuple.

    So, for example: [1, 2, 3] → (1, [2, 3])
    Or also: [1] → (1, [])
    If the user gives you [], then you cannot represent that with your tuple, you necessarily have to error.

  • Man, even knowing that YAML document was going to be laden with bullshit, I only spotted the unquoted version strings looking fishy.

    I also really dislike how often YAML is abused to take keys as list items. Something like this, for example:

        user: root
        user: sql

    “debian-vm” and “database-server” are the hostname, and as such they are values. So, this should be written as:

      - name: debian-vm
        user: root
      - name: database-server
        user: sql

    And I’m not just nitpicking here. If we change the example a bit:

        user: sql

    …then suddenly, you don’t know, if “database” is just one of many possible hosts or if all hosts always have a shared database with this technology.

  • Well, OP mentioned an Excel import, so I’m not 100% sure what that means either. 🙃

    But yeah, that’s part of why I’m wondering. I hardly know anything about Postman, so I’m probably underestimating how complex this would be, but it still feels like at least the core feature-set could easily be covered by an open-source tool, if anyone in the open-source community had that itch to scratch.
    Maybe it’s also just solving a problem that only companies have? The webpage mentions some things about centrally managing API definitions. Do not ask me why the API definitions are not in a repo. But I guess, if you join a company that works like that, you’re not going lean up against that…