High quality post 👍
High quality post 👍
I too have a chicken-kicking story. Posting now so’s I’ll remember to write it out later.
It was precisely like a bad, dirty paper cut that stank of fish munge.
Haven’t seen it mentioned here, so a word to the wise: their beaks are somewhere sharp-edged, and if you were to grasp the beak and your hand were to slide lengthwise (towards or away from the tip), you could sustain a nasty cut.
Source: adolescent me harassing pelicans that were a lil too inquisitive about my days’ fishing catch on a dock somewhere near Cedar Key, FL.
Also colloquially known as “ass radar”
Listen to this guy/girl OP.
Your dentist will almost certainly recommend:
-Getting an electric toothbrush, READING THE INSTRUCTIONS, and using at least twice daily.
-Simultaneously, getting a water-pik or similar (they make travel ones too) and using it twice a day. (Tastier if you fill it with mouthwash).
Or shell out ~$10k or more (in the US) later for ignoring this advice, like I will in April, for gum restoration procedures.
Plus nobody will tell you you have eye-watering bad breath, but they will certainly hold it against you.
Do they though, really?
Insert thorshrugging.jpg
Can’t decide if Crimean Combat Seagulls or Kremlin Snuffbox should be the name of the screenplay (or my new band name)
A sophisticated and formidable legal mind in a pleasant, debonaire package. Truly his cup overfloweth.
How did Missouri get so lucky?
Steal his look for less!… oh wait.
A 200lb sack of bleached all-purpose flour with a four-dollar Flowbee haircut
Behold the Master Race™️
Goodness! I am with child to know what end of the political spectrum this fellow most identified with?
ILOVEANAL has a certain catchy thrust to it, yes.
Further, is that number to include government healthcare funding, as well as out-of-pocket expense, in other words, money spent on behalf of the individual?
I’d like some clarity as this chart on its face is pretty damning.
@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world knows some shit yo