You just take your shoes off at the door and put them back on when you leave.
You just take your shoes off at the door and put them back on when you leave.
(Here’s a study on the liver effects.)[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6549781/]
It doesn’t specifically say that fructose has a worse effect on the liver than sucrose, but it does say that fructose is 2x sweeter than glucose, which makes it more addicting, which causes you to drink more because you crave it. So I went looking up sweetness scales and fructose is also sweeter than sucrose (which is still sweeter than glucose), sometimes by a significant margin.
So if both are bad on the liver, fructose could possibly be worse because of a higher level of addiction due to sweetness level, which causes you to consume more than you might with just sucrose.
I don’t think that’s a bad thing on its own. Meat isn’t the only source of protein that exists and Americans probably eat too much of it.
Starting from an early age to not expect meat at every meal otherwise it’s not a meal is probably a good thing.
But if they deserved to eat, they would’ve been born into families that could feed them.
From Michigan, it’s about 50/50. I don’t really think twice about it.
Well, NPR did an entire article of 20 protest songs that came out in 2020. Looks like they might have made a Spotify playlist of them at one point too.
Here are 30 protest albums that came out in the first half of 2022
Here are 50 protest songs from 2023.
These are just results from pretty simple Google searches. ‘protest songs year’.
You act like ‘children should be seen and not heard’ was in the distant past.
I used to calculate garnishments in a previous job. There is a minimum take home pay that you have to get.
A low income job does mean less garnished wages, because you don’t make enough to get over the threshold.
It’s a similar method that some dead beat parents do to game the system out of having to pay child support. Sometimes they supplement with work under the table so they aren’t living crappy lives and sometimes they just live crappy lives. You can live a long time off of spite.
You should look trying to move to a state before taking the loans. Plenty of states need teachers and are willing to pay for you to get your master’s as part of retaining you.
From the comments I saw on Reddit everytime this was posted, no, it doesn’t.
While education helped sure, the real killer was changing smoking from being cool to being a stigma and laws stopping smoking from most public places.
Smoking was changed from being cool to being gross. It makes you smell, it makes kissing you gross, etc etc. Vapes seem to have taken away some of those issues that really pushed the social stigma.
Add to it that nicotine free vapes exist and people use those, so it’s not the same singular target as tobacco. What you don’t want is something that can be easily debunked making it seem like it’s not that bad. (See the many stories of folks trying harder drugs because the DARE programs told them marijuana would be the same as LSD, only it’s not).
I’m all for legalized marijuana, but going into another country and breaking their laws is never a good idea. There are places in the world that would be a death sentence.
Michigan’s laws only very recently (during the pandemic) changed to allow this.
I mention Michigan specifically because they mentioned Meijer and Michigan is one of the states you can find those.
What teachers do you know aren’t retiring once they qualify for their full pension?
Most folks in that profession are in the GTFO stage.
Being at a hospital should not be a threat to ones health.
Being in a place where sick people are is a threat to your health. Sick people go to the hospital. What do you think the hospital is for?
The rollout for the 2023 vaccine was awful. I wouldn’t be surprised that some folks gave up because you just couldn’t get an appointment and then it was out of mind.
The third was at pharmacies only and free only if you didn’t have insurance.
I have insurance and didn’t pay for any of them.
Why weren’t you getting an eye exam every year as a standard?
I’m in the US and once a year is pretty standard. Why would you only go to the eye doctor twice in 15 years? Do you not have regular eye exams as the norm?
Reminds me of the parents who left their baby with the grandparents and the grandparents gave the baby ivermectin to ‘protect’ them from COVID.
Hospital couldn’t save the poor kid.
It’s a lot easier for me to scoop 1/2 teaspoon of two spices, one tablespoon of another, and 2 teaspoons of a fourth than to measure 1.8 grams of one, 2.2 grams of one, 5.2 grams of one, and 3.8 grams of a fourth. The scoops I can put in the container and level off the top using the same container. The other way, I have to gently sprinkle or slowly scoop and sprinkle so it doesn’t go over the required amount.
Way faster for me to scoop, level, dump.