That feature is now built into chrome.
That feature is now built into chrome.
I think Amazon smile got axed in early 2023
Elden ring was my first souls game and I kept away from fan sites and youtube videos as much as possible until I beat the final boss. Didn’t want to tempt finding a meta build.
If I needed help, I asked friends. It was a great experience!
If you’re talking about what Google or Microsoft offer as a login tool, it’s basically a file hidden on your physical PC so when you attempt to login to a service that wants it, the service gets a password from you and the passkey from your actual device to authenticate you.
For example, I have passkey enabled on my windows PC that my Google account has a passkey in. Anytime I access the built in password manager in chrome, Windows now gives me a pop up for a PIN number, and then windows will authenticate on my behalf with the hidden passkey.
If I need to access my password manager from my phone or another computer, I have to use my Google password instead since my passkey isn’t on those physical devices.
I believe Microsoft stores your passkey files on your motherboards TPM module, but I could be wrong.
Undecided voters aren’t undecided between Trump and Harris, they are undecided on leaving the couch to go vote.
So I don’t really think it’s changing the mind of voters and I don’t see it motivating people to go vote.
Just seems like an attempt at counter narrative for “Comrade Harris”. I don’t see it moving the needle.
The fact you even look at politics puts you in like, the top 20% of the US population.
I would wager the majority of people that do vote, just look for an R or D next to a name and check the box for their team and move on.
There were about 160 million people who voted in 2020, an unprecedented amount of engagement from the voting populace, and still not half of Americans voting.
People don’t really care. Do they have a job? Are their basic needs met? If yes, vote incumbent, if no, vote competition. I expect to see tweets in November asking where Biden went and who is Kamala.
Our company pays for TeamViewer, and I still get nagged all the time, so there’s no point in giving them money, they still nag you all the time.
Man, just know my dental plan would take a study like this to move to once a year cleanings :(
I like getting my teeth cleaned at the dentist
Fen Research? What an odd company name for a game studio. I would expect a company name like that would be harvesting user data for something.
I don’t think you’re looking for a registrar, you are looking for some third party DNS server that acknowledges “the domain scam” I guess.
All the major and minor DNS providers rely on the w3 registrar to populate their domain name to IP addresses. So services like hover or GoDaddy will register with the registrar and then DNS services will get your routing info from them.
I’m not aware of any other registrar out there or some DNS service that allows you to submit your own routing info.
I do think it’s important to mention that the jump to senior is largely an accumulation of domain knowledge,
I feel that. I’m a senior dev on my team of about 7 software engineers, but I often feel like I’d just be a junior somewhere else. Worst case scenario is I can add to my resume that I helped convert a vb6 shop to a c# shop, not sure what that’s worth though xD
Yeah, think of the property values. Move all the homeless a few blocks away and lower their property values until a developer buys up the whole block and then push them somewhere else. Rinse and repeat.
Another thing to consider is just because someone says something that is not true based on reality, doesn’t mean they lied. People’s memories are terrible and easily manipulated.
There was a reddit post that claimed that, and it was debunked in that same reddit post. Some website made a “news” article about it, citing said reddit post. Bigger news orgs made articles about it citing that website.
There are so many “news” websites that basically don’t do any fact checking and use social media as their sources.
My other pet peeve around social media “journalism” is when someone writes an article about a hot take on a political topic and their source is some tweet with like 2 likes and retweet. Like, that’s not a radical opinion many people share, stop making it seem like this is a common sentiment amongst the left/right.
But what are illegal immigrants doing that is bad? They pay taxes (sales tax, property tax via rent, and income tax if they have a stolen ID), they buy things, they contribute labor. We’re spending money to deport and hold them. It’s all a net negative.
If the problem is that they are undocumented, then document them. Give them work visas. They don’t get the right to vote or have access to welfare systems with a work visa.
How many children of immigrants speak really good English? They usually translate for their parents in my experience. Which means they are assimilating to the culture. It also seems most time the first child might have a more ethnic name, the first grandchildren usually have more American names.
Illegal immigrants commit less crime per capita, which makes sense because if you are here illegally and do crime, you get deported after your sentence. They have a bigger incentive to not do crime.
America was built by immigrants, we’re known as the cultural melting pot. When did it become such a big deal and so restricted to enter the country? Our birth rates arent high enough to sustain us forever, we need immigration. It just seems like we artificially made immigrating here harder so that people would inevitably sneak in so the capital owners had access to a cheaper workforce who won’t speak out about injustices for fear of being deported.