Only war criminals go to bed.
Only war criminals go to bed.
It’s an extinct volcano, so yes.
It’s not practically an opinion piece, it is wholly an opinion piece.
Ship them some emergency Old Bay.
Because there’s sales text in the “educational” article.
You should use an XMPP server that respects your privacy. If you truly want privacy and don’t want to trust any server, we recommend setting up your own server. If this beyond your technical interests then we can setup a server for you and hand over the passwords. If we setup a server for you, then you’d pick the domain name and get complete control over who can use it.
But his support for riling the base up was of the Tea Party, not MAGA, flavour.
That seems like a distinction without a difference.
Not to mention it solves nothing for the mass shooting epidemic. Most of them seem suicidal anyway.
deleted by creator
Obviously it doesn’t apply to .com or .xyz, but in addition to the concerns about being locked in to Cloud flare’s name servers, they don’t support some gTLDs right now.
Because they’re a disorganized clusterfuck and he couldn’t be bothered to slightly delay filming to get the proper card. Because for whatever reason they’ve decided they must churn out content at such a high pace that everything they do is like this now.
Honestly the only videos from the last year where I remember things not being totally jank were videos with Emily, but she’s barely been in anything since coming out a few months ago.
Tbh that’s how almost all of their projects seem to be now. Woefully unprepared, full of jank.
It’s true that would be the ideal way to go about this. However, I’m also weighing that vs Linus saying this should’ve been handled privately (which implies off the record).
The last time something like this happened it was made clear GN was going to cover LMG as the corporation it is, not as an individual where you might hash things out privately first.
It’s been clear for quite a while that they’ve focused only on growth/expansion with more channels, the lab, so many new employees, etc and at the same time you can see the sloppiness getting worse with lack of preparation, lack of quality control to meet deadlines, etc.
The Billet Labs thing is absolutely inexcusable. Shitting on the product despite LMG being the one responsible for not even having the correct GPU for it, giving it a bad review, then doubling down when called out over a couple hundred bucks of time? The auctioned off prototype is so much worse as well. Not sure of the Canadian terms but in the US it’d potentially be theft by conversion. Literally sold someone else’s property. Even if you give them the benefit of the doubt and accept it as an accident, it seems like more evidence of whoever is running their logistics department being incompetent IMO.
If it’s not that feature, it’s likely either memory tuning or battery optimization stuff. Some phone manufacturers set those values to levels that are more aggressive than they really need to be, leading to processes being terminated in the background when they ideally shouldn’t.
Among other possibilities, Utah Code § 76-5-107
(2) (a) An actor commits a threat of violence if the actor: (i) (A) threatens to commit an offense involving bodily injury, death, or substantial property damage; and (B) acts with intent to place an individual in fear of imminent serious bodily injury, substantial bodily injury, or death; or (ii) makes a threat, accompanied by a show of immediate force or violence, to do bodily injury to an individual. (b) A threat under this section may be express or implied.
They showed up with an arrest warrant. Unless and until there’s some evidence where they just rolled up with the intent to murder him, I’m going to presume that’s not the case.
“I hear Biden is coming to Utah. Digging out my old ghillie suit and cleaning the dust off the M24 sniper rifle.”
“Perhaps Utah will become famous this week as the place a sniper took out Biden the Marxist.”
Those probably cross the line and might not be protected speech. Especially when posted with pictures of the firearms and equipment in question.
It seems to me that if the point is to preserve the option in case of litigation: having the would-be electors meet, conduct a vote, fill out certificates, and hold them until possible certification by the governor might have been fine. This is basically what happened in Hawaii in 1960 – the Democratic slate was only sent to Washington once certified by the governor.
Going ahead and transmitting them and purporting them to be the actual certificates seems like a fraud.
Looks as though they’ve started receiving limited signals – a “heartbeat” from the probe. And even if full communications aren’t re-established in the immediate term, it seems Voyager 2 automatically repositions its antenna towards Earth every few months – next one due is in October. Pretty slick for such an old probe.
Does the DOJ’s opinion, binding or not, actually matter with respect to this though? Impeachment is solely the prerogative of the House, and more broadly Congress. I don’t see how the DOJ as part of the executive branch can thus bind the House at all in this.
(Also worth noting that Impeachment technically isn’t a legal matter – it is a political process.)