This sounds amazing! I will also put here there’s also chronometer that has a lot of the same functionality as fitnesspal but without the subscription, but you have to use an account.
This sounds amazing! I will also put here there’s also chronometer that has a lot of the same functionality as fitnesspal but without the subscription, but you have to use an account.
Dumb question but is that a real command line tool
This is beautiful, but what would be even better is to have the program open a reverse shell so you can log into the computer to install pandas manually.
Sweet - I didn’t realize that malware is tailored for one OS usually, but that makes a lot more sense.
I love you so much. Never change
The article made a few good points, but a good amount of it was conjecture. I liked the part about comparing the two functions and showing that exceptions are faster but I think a big thing he’s not getting is readability. Even in the functions he showed, you can directly see that the one using std::expected has the happy path and error path directly in the function signature, whereas the exception one doesn’t.
As for the “error kind” trap he was talking about, that definitely exists, but ignores the fact that you can also get this same kind of error from exceptions. I’ve definitely gotten exceptions that I didn’t understand from Python or Java libraries, but it’s not a problem with exceptions but a problem with how they’re shown. If there’s nothing to tell me that I should have thought of that error, it shouldn’t be an expectation for a dev to have thought of it.
Before scraping I would verify that there is no HTTP API that you can use to craft requests instead of scraping from the website. These might be higher quality than what you can scrape. If there is no easy to use http API, go to scraping then. I would generally consider scraping the last option, unless it’s a ridiculously easy website to scrape.
I heard there are quantum computing libraries in Python if that interests you!
If I were you I’d browse PyPi for any packages that look cool.
I’m not exactly sure what to think about it, but I do like how there’s specific things that have their implementation in code right there. I did only look at the site for like a minute, so take that with a grain of salt.
I’m in favor of people doing what they like with their devices. I’ve done a lot of… interesting things but the thought of putting an nsfw image as my home screen is kind of weird
This is so bad I can’t look away where in the world is Carmen San Diego?
Namecheap bc I typed where to buy cheap domains and that was the first one.
What do you mean by jenk? Is that a specific term used to refer to tech junk?
Oh I commented before that my b
What happened
I don’t think you can trust because we can’t verify the results they put out, plus iirc, people have done wild comparisons between mojo and different langs.
It kinda seems like if AWS permissions management and torrenting had a baby. Edit: in all seriousness tho, I like the data model. Are there any libraries that support this yet?
Ah ok, is there a way to like get out of it? I get those a lot and I always just get stuck in a loop, but when I change my user agent or timezone it just magically allows me through.
Ask it where Carmen sandiego, the international criminal and wanted fugitive is.