shit could have been 1 long passenger and 1/10th of a freight train
shit could have been 1 long passenger and 1/10th of a freight train
nah bro you’ll find your soulmate ❤️ you just gotta find the style that works for you to compliment the stuff you can’t change. anyone can be a 7/10, the rest is luck. and this is not even taking into account the fact that a fuckload of people value your personality much higher than cosmetic stuff
there is no way in all of hell that 14k right swipes led to 14 matches unless the person’s bio literally says they are a sex offender or something insane like that
gonna kiss myself with a cement brick if they let zuckerberg buy it and turn it into the same UX nightmare that reels is
what are you making misleading claims about Qwant for??? if you click your own damn link you’ll see that the only case where they need to collect your name is if you make an account (completely unnecessary), make a de-listing request (to verify that you are who you say you are before removing something, otherwise i could just go and have jeff bezos removed), or if you report something.
also, 80% of your bullet points after “user agent” are redundant because they are literally just what makes up a user agent. newsflash: every single website you ever visit in your life collects your user agent because it needs to know whether to give you the mobile or the desktop version of the site. this has nothing to do with privacy in this case, you’re just slandering to slander
this is sick, love qwant and hope this gives them more resources
DuckDuckGo is US-based and founded by the person who previously founded “The Names Database”.
first skyrim run in like a decade, really makes it obvious how technically shitty the game is. so many immersion-ruining moments all the time, like people talking over each other. also the world map screen might be the most ugly and least useful of its kind. if i was on pc i’d install the mod that displays roads on the map.
but the atmosphere is nice :)
“prompt engineering” in itself is such an embarrassing term for the act of saying “computer uhhh show me epic boobies!!”
like that joke about calling dishwashing “submerged porcelain technician” but unironically
fuck, my poor innocent phone number has been tainted for little reason
but requires a phone number!
i sometimes take an extra trip through the roundabout if some asshole is driving way too close to my rear and refuses to overtake
this has gotta be the correct answer. it’s impossible to find anything written by a human on search engines these days unless you specifically click a forum link
willing to bet google is garbage now because of all the AI-run “blogs” that post unhelpful idiotic filler “articles” on every topic under the sun
edit: i despise this shit so much that i made this dissection of a bullshit AI article:
there’s something about those 1v1s that makes people go absolutely nuclear :’)
minecraft, rocket league
this is the most reddit post i’ve seen on lemmy
fixed title: you can now experience infinite bland empty soulless machine-generated walled sandboxes in more frames per second
i’m sorry that you have to deal with the outfall of this, OP. gamers are notoriously the most overly sensitive group to generalize, even when they’re meant to think “i recognize that this is pointing out bad apples in my community”. instead, they immediately start defending themselves as if you specifically named them
the sane response is to go “wow that is awful. the gaming community does indeed contain some terrible people, i am glad to be one of the good ones and will distance myself from this behavior”