Sure, but don’t let that stop you from insulting him. The activity is its own reward.
Sure, but don’t let that stop you from insulting him. The activity is its own reward.
Parallel worlds/multiverses. I hate them because it removes all stakes or consequences from the events of a story. Character died? Bring in a new version from another world. Inconvenient thing happened? Move to a world where it never happened. Nothing matters, nothing is canon, everything is reversible.
I wouldn’t say it’s great even there. If you want people to pay 20% more for their food so your workers can get paid, just list that on the menu. Raise all food prices 20% and pay the wait staff a decent wage. Customers pay the same in the end and your staff isn’t dependent on customer generosity to make a living.
High rates of gun ownership is neither a necessary nor sufficient condition for high rates of homicide. “Necessary” would imply that high homicide rate is flat out impossible without high gun ownership, which is clearly not true.
Is it though? My understanding is that a murder charge requires intent to cause harm. Causing death without intent would be manslaughter. If someone is out of their mind in a panic attack and tries to shut down the plane so he could get to the ground, it would hard to prove he intended harm to the other passengers. They probably weren’t even in his thoughts.
Not a lawyer though, my understanding could be flawed.
Just going to leave this list here of about 30,000 lies Trump told while in office. None of these are a matter of opinion, all verifiable untruths by public record.
I won’t deny Biden lies too, he’s a politician they all lie. But Trump was on another level.
I mean…duh? Basically the entire point of having different laws in different states is that people can choose what laws they want to live under. No one should be surprised that young people are considering that when choosing colleges.