Yeah? And the last Russian to die is going to be in a recommissioned t55.
Hexes gonna hex
Read your comment again. You are outraged because someone made a completely valid assumption bases on the information you gave. Truley someone that old wouldn’t be that angry about it would they? You are really just reaffirming that you are a kid masquerading as someone older by being this upset.
The point of my comment wasn’t even about your age. It was that this is how things go in general.
You are really gonna feel bad when the price for such a game was 39.99. This is just the way it works friend. When you get older some kid is going to be saying the same thing but 79.99 will be the pricepoint.
You now understand and agree with the previous post as well this one. Fact.
Omg. Lol literal idiocy here.
You are a fuckin dunce mate. Dude is making solid points and you can’t get out of your “hurr durr, usa bad” for even 1 comment
Yeah… well I guess that really sums up everything right there doesn’t it
Ok bud. Source? Cause you sound unhinged frankly
I think Chinese, Saudis, Indian, etc rich folk would have just as much power as any random rich white guy. That you are so hyper focused on white skin is really just proving my point.
Your thoughts seem like something from a bad propaganda film.
That you believe a rich white guy can go in and just command authority purely on the basis of him being a rich white guy is objectively wrong.
Yeah. Again. Your history speaks for itself
Just to shut you up on this particular farce
It’s Julian Go - Three Tensions in the Theory of Racial Capitalism
Michael Ralph and Maya Singhal - Racial Capitalism
I especially liked the part where you reference hall and then immediately try to turn the argument around about saudi visiting x country etc…- when hall is saying all along it doesn’t matter what race you are.
Even more hilarious because the original argument is specifically saying it’s all the white fault and there needs to be an anti white movement.
Buddy- you are literally re-parsing what has been said. Using your buzzwords does not make you more correct about what you are saying. I’ve given you the exact same amount of information on the “signifiers” as you gave me. You can go find the material for yourself.
You created your user on lemmygrad. Litrrally half your comments are from comradeship, reactionary, antileftist bs. You claiming you don’t live in an echochamber is a logical fallacy
Can a Saudi go to x country and act the same as x country going to Saudi? Hell yeah they can. I don’t know where you get the idea that some random white can go to Saudi and somehow be more than the reverse. If anything watch a rich Saudi show up and see how far x country will bend over backwards to accommodate them.
Of course you guys are referencing Marxist ideology. As I said- you have a very myopic and biased understanding of essentially only participate in echo chambers and have your communist buddies brigade anyone who dares counter your half thought out ideas. You are putting words in the other guy’s mouth- trying to make his argument into more than it is. He literally has said a rich white man outranks a rich native to x country- end of story. Even if he was referencing your version- it’s still Marxist echochamber bs.
Read Go, Ralph, singhal, etc…
I think they… frown… on the idea that they are lesser than white people. Please please please go tell a rich Saudi the same thing you said about a white man showing up and being in charge of them I so want you to do that.
The underlying point to all this being you have a very myopic and biased understanding of the world. And i think people like you should not be allowed.
The problem is you only need a handful of whales to buy all the things for mtx to be profitable
I hope you go to a middle eastern country and spout the bullshit. I’d literally laugh as your head fell off your body.
Not sure what tv you have- smart tvs today sometimes can run steam link natively.