I stand corrected. If it indexed more services it would have been the best option.
This seems to be the best solution. It lets you select country and it even has all the local apps indexed.
Searching by language was locked behind a subscription which infuriated me but I guess subscribing to a service so that you can know what service you should subscribe to seems about right for 2024.
Very light weight solution but doesn’t seem to allow for selecting country so it’s probably america-centric.
Unfortunately they only seem to service English speaking countries and I am not in any of those. I guess they did smaller scope for better accuracy.
Thats what I do when I know what I want to watch but I don’t always know what I want, especially when trying to agree with a bunch of other people with different taste.
Det mesta Anders Lundin har gjort har åldrats ganska väl. Jag tror att han har bäst känsla för barnprogram bland dom som gjort programmet.
Wow, this unlocked memories I didn’t know I had. I was the core audience when this aired the first time. The CGI greenscreen man was weird and I did not remember it until right now. The thing that had the biggest impact for me was probably the puppets because it actually taught me how thermodynamics works. The bear theater at the end is probably the most famous guy on the show that made tons of other children televisions. He is like a core part of any millennials childhood.
Smallsword is apparently a separate weapon from rapier and 5e listed is as a 1d6. The reason I didn’t add anything apart from crit is because most people have NPC/villager stats so there wouldn’t be any stat bonuses.
1d6 in piercing damage but hit to the guts is probably a crit so 2d6. If you are lucky you will just be very injured. If you are unlucky you will go down and start doing death saving throws.
Now they are both lifeless husks strung up in the office of an investment firm that is collecting their decomposition juices in a rusty bucket.
So did we ever find out if Biden can use seal team six to kill political opponents?
Scientists have been begging news stations to not show name and picture of school shooters because every time they do there are copy cats. This has been statistically and psychologically well established for literally decades but people just ignore it because they want their violence porn.
This stabbing came one day after the high profile stabbing in the mall with a ton of video of the stabber. Was this guy inspired by the mall stabber? Who knows what lies in the heart of a person but we can make some pretty good guesses.
And in reference to the fake newsers. They will say it’s fake anyway. There is no amount of evidence that is sufficient for them if there is an interest in denying it.
Even if it was a pen he got stabbed with it and he only lived due to the intervention of skilled surgeons.
He was being stabbed to death by the guy. The guy just failed.
It is a video of an Australian citizen being stabbed to death and they are doing it because they dont want the video to encourage other psychos to do the same thing.
I just want to recontextualize it because free speech warriors have a tendency to disambiguate the thing they are talking about.
I assume the reason they won’t let you save scum is because they have consumable microtransactions.
But Russians are still able to compete under neutral flag, same as last year.
This lets them feel like victims but also take credit for any medals Russian athletes win. I honestly don’t understand why the Olympics insist on having Russians competing when they cheated systematically even before they started murdering Ukrainians.
So that you can leave ads running on your computer while you go do other stuff? Doesn’t seem like a good deal for Google.