when I do this I get the error message that the ports are already in use by the vpn container :|
when I do this I get the error message that the ports are already in use by the vpn container :|
but I thought the containers had to have “network_mode: container:vpn”, in order to strictly only be able to communicate through the VPN.
Ah thanks! That solves one of the services at least. Merciii <3
sorry im still quite new to this… do u have an example of another compose file that does this? Not sure where I put what.
how haha
Right, my bad for the misleading/wrong title. This is my question - how do i map a port to a container that uses network_mode: …
Sorry that was my question, dont want to use the port twice, I want to tell the compose file what to use for each container, but I dont know how.
Thanks for the detailed answer, I was able to solve my problem just with what /u/mara said suggested above :)
Yeah I also don’t want my folks to have to “ignore” the warnings either. So will defo have the https set up before giving them access.
I might give Caddy a go if the response from @Mara doesn’t work for me, thanks!
Yeah I do not have a domain. I did before but for some reason i struggled to wrap my head around reverse proxies and domains. And I prefer to not have to pay for yet another service as I’m just a student :P
This does seem like the easiest option so far, i’ll try to play around with this, thanks!
Solved it by distro hopping 😂 But wanted to hop for a while anyways, trying out the world of Fedora for some months now 🙌
I’m on laptop, I’ll do as much I can do this oldie. but thanks 😊
Hahaha right I changed the title tho, as I assumed it was the update - but it does seem to just be my end so has to be something I’ve done.
Got no plans on suing anyone 😝
already tried sadly, still persists :|
Where can I fetch older versions?
Good thing it’s just my end at least. But, It’s at a point where i can barely troubleshoot as it is just too unresponsive atm. I’ll check out what you mentioned though!
mercii :)