Well, it’s a thing called Hanlon’s Razor, so maybe look it up?
Well, it’s a thing called Hanlon’s Razor, so maybe look it up?
it’s misused anyhow, just like reddit. imagine that.
you mean like telling people how ‘you’ disregard some questions in a sub that’s supposed to be open to any and all questions because ‘you’ feel like ‘you’re’ too important to take them seriously?
a ‘loaded’ question doesn’t have to be malicious. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
perhaps you need a refresher… NO. STUPID. QUESTIONS.
i like how it’s some fucking revolation. Like, just look around. poke around on the internet for 10 min. Large, HUGE amounts of people have not been ok for a long time. What’s sad is everyone has their fucking heads too buried in their phones and ipads to notice.
what about them? OP is correct to teach his kids to live in the moment and not spend energy on things they can not change.
i highly doubt it. most trans people can’t handle being called “sir” when their adam’s apple is prominent, let alone firing a weapon.
Again. I’ve said it numerous times. It doesn’t matter. I’m not defending it or even saying it’s “right”. It’s the way it is and if you want in the club you have to play by their rules. They make it this way on purpose. So play by their rules, get in the club and change the rules. But until then, it’s not going to change. So do the due diligence and play the game by the rules. The law is there.
I’m not saying it’s “right”, I’m saying if you want to do it, you have to play by their rules. That’s all there is too it.
The “Law” is still on the books. It sucks, but again,Ignorance of the Law doesn’t make it not the Law. Now that it’s getting publicity, maybe people can start following the rules.
Sounds like another case of “i didn’t read the rules, so it’s not my fault”. Ignorance of the law doesn’t change the law. And it’s not a law “aimed” at trans people. It’s been around far longer than this ‘movement’ has.
WELL NO DUH. Is this really something people didn’t know? The media as a whole is incredibly slanted towards Israel. The fact that none are calling out the genocide that’s happening is a big fucking clue.
We found the clit boys!