The real majority didn’t vote.
Sad soy boi beta cuck from the webbernets, planet Erf.
The real majority didn’t vote.
Problem is, there’s an entire generation of users that have gotten super used to “discard changes” as a means of signalling “on second thought, don’t do anything”.
I wouldn’t rely on the size of the address space to provide security. It’s possible to find hosts through methods other than brute force scanning. I remember seeing a talk from a conference (CCC? DEF CON? I can’t remember) where they were able to find hosts in government IPv6 address space (might have been DOD?) through stuff like certificate transparency logs and other DNS side channels.
Man, I need to go find that talk now…
Edit: I don’t think this is the one I saw previously but is in a similar vein:
Not my post, dude. Look at the people you are replying to.
I didn’t suggest shit, so please don’t put words in my mouth. Thanks for the citations though.
As mentioned on another one of your comments, I am having a hard time finding the science you reference.
Can’t have any nuanced discussion here! Glad to see people such as yourself engaging in reductionism and shutting down thinking, because all interactions online have to be boiled down to five words TL;DR pithy sound bites.
Leave the shit on Twitter, we can do better here.
Having a hard time finding the evidence you mention, got a citation? First few articles I saw were actually advising against blanket pornography bans.
Not absolving anyone of responsibility, just pointing out that the actual majority couldn’t be bothered to do anything.