No joke, the allleged shooter Luigi was right. Except it wasn’t him, he was playing poker with me in Arizona on that day.
I tried it in a Firefox container once, while shopping for Xmas gifts. Not only did it want access to absolutely everything, none of the things I was looking to buy got any meaningful discount from it. Surely that would make one question how and why this thing is even still running, unless you don’t ask many questions.
They’re trading rice for NK troops, this shitbag is going to offer them Javelins and Abrams at half price if they have gold paint. I legitimately believe this election will cost many Ukrainian lives
I’m searching and all I see is fridge parts and water slides but good tip I’ll keep looking
Fuck yeah. Jumping and diving are two of my favorite things, parachuting into the ocean is a bucket list item.
Give me Kerry Gold or give me death
How many times has Bond quit/fired MI-6 at this point? The Craig Bond being a lonely beach boozer was a nice callback but damn dude put on a suit and shoot
the greater good
I don’t think Lazenby gets enough credit but yeah I’d agree. Dalton is also the best actor outside of Bond, Connery probably has more credits but he’s not a time lord.
Goldeneye was my favorite film as a kid but Moore was always the classiest, a real gentleman.
They don’t give a single flying fuck about health concerns, they inject people to make them “calm down” while being assaulted by a gang of armed thugs. Death is just that much more quiet, no big deal
“Threatened to shoot Jamie if he did not follow his instructions”
Willing to kill, over a car. ACAB
Still trying to figure out what the hell it is
Ah the Steve Jobs treatment method, maybe he’ll adopt the fruit diet. Shame Harry gave up his claim, he seemed like the one with Lizzie’s spirit
And just exactly how did they “end up” in NY?
The second season of making a murderer illustrates this to a painful degree. Multiple federal judges dismissed the kids confession as coerced but the state just flat refused to admit they’re wrong and let him out until a judge forced his release a couple months ago…after spending half his life behind bars for something he didn’t do.
One of my relatives did the same when I tested positive, even writing an rx for me and really pushing it. Never took any and this story makes me even more glad I didn’t listen to the facebook research
Dang I was gonna get boosted but I don’t wanna be dead, thanks for the tip
Still pissed I voted for her but what can you do