Is that a chocolate tea pot?
Is that a chocolate tea pot?
Or maybe this is genuinely a bad take 🤷🏽♂️
As it should. The rise of fascism shouldn’t go unnoticed. The United States is capable of better but, the rot of capital needs to be expelled first.
Nice, I might have to get one. Also, your name reminds me I have to buy more Borax.
Isn’t most digital signage “SMART” too?
I’ve always heard of leftists fracturing. I never even considered the right could be susceptible to the same.
The old “Complaining about other communists is one of the most important parts of being a communist.” Comes to mind.
I’ll look for more examples of this.
I’ve never thought of it like that.
Would you happen to have an example of this happening? Something on 4 chan or truth social maybe?
Progressive economics?
I don’t partake in first person shooters but, the message is clear with this. I appreciate the parallel draw to the call of duty game.
I’m legit excited for this
So he’s a dick. I guess you kind of have to be a dick to be rich.
I’m not a subscriber of his so I’ve only seen a video or two, is his not apparent in some of his other more popular videos?
I watch PBS, my kids are watching it too.
Fuck Milton Friedman
Yeah its a cool design. If you do anything involving a network rack LMK. Low voltage people need love too lol.
Oh shoot, I didn’t even notice. Thanks!
Outside linemen’s new tattoo idea? I don’t know anything about design but, this gives me that geometric bear tattoo vibes. Very cool.
I now have a new thing to add to my bucket list.
What are we now op?
Hey how’s about we let Haiti decide what Haiti wants to do?! Stop intervening and just support their efforts to maintain sovereignty.
Imposing a leader on them and trying to get Kenya to do our dirty work isn’t the correct move.
I appreciate the tips. Even if they’re grammar related. I need all the help I can get 😮💨