Wait this is in the US? How, this is even more expensive than Hawaii, and they have obvious reasons for power to be more expensive there
Wait this is in the US? How, this is even more expensive than Hawaii, and they have obvious reasons for power to be more expensive there
That seems really high, I think power where I live is about 12-14 cents per kilowatt hour. What makes it so expenses where you live?
I’d love to see Monolith games come natively to other platforms, but they’ve absolutely flourished under Nintendo so far. They’ve been given a lot of creative freedom with their own games, and also have had a lot of success as a support studio on the Legend of Zelda games, Splatoon games, and a lot of the other major games.
They also have a reputation for being one of the better japanese developers to work for, with overtime not normally being allowed. They also seem to give their employees easy development deadlines, with games like Xenoblade 3 releasing several months early (because they finished it early), and Xenoblade 1 remake having extra content, because they finished it early and used the remaining development time to work on other parts of the game.
Cursing frequently seems like a sign of immaturity honestly.
Edit: to be clear, swearing in moderation is fine. But the only people I’ve known to swear excessively were always young, immature, or less than bright. I largely associate heavy swearing with kids and teenagers who swear excessively because they think it will make them see older.
I started working this job after Obama had already been in office one term, so I was mainly comparing the final 4 years. I’m really glad I was still in college for the first term when the economy was really rough.
Covid did have an undeniable effect on the economy at the start of Biden’s term, and I don’t consider that his fault or anything. It does feel like we generally haven’t really recovered from it though, gas prices finally came back down but everything else is crazy expensive still. For example, I do electrical work, and a 250’ roll of 12/2 wire went from $35 in 2019 to $140 today.
Probably unpopular answer, but it’s not some clear cut “this political party has better policies for everyone”. Republican policies usually are better for people living in rural areas, and Democratic policies are usually better for people in cities. I’m sure people will debate this, but this is the reason why people typically vote depending on where they live. At the very least, they believe that their party has better policies for them and their way of life.
My personal (anecdotal evidence) is that I work for a small business in a rural area, and our main customers are other small business owners (usually self employed or under 5 employees). Over the last 3 presidents, the Obama years were rough for our company, we had explosive growth during the Trump years, and then we’ve had stagnant growth over the past 4 years. Our largest competitor went out of business this past year, which sent us a lot of new customers, but we’ve also had a lot of our customers go out of business as well, so we’ve been pretty stagnant. Being stagnant isn’t terrible, we don’t have shareholders or anything, but the cost of living has increased and company profit/wages haven’t which is a problem. That said I know we’re doing pretty well compared to a lot of people here.
Another (once again anecdotal) example is that I have a friend who paints murals full time, for the past 30ish years. He told me that he does well with either Republicans or Democrats in office, but that his customers change. During republican presidents, his customer base is usually local businesses wanting to decorate their stores. During democratic presidents, his customer base is usually towns, state buildings, schools, etc.
But anyways, I’d be very interested to hear from some people living in cities if there’s a visible uptick in income/etc when we have a democratic president, or in general what your personal observations are on how which president affects your local businesses/income/prices/etc.
You can probably just use any of the big chat programs, and just start out by telling it you want it to converse with you like it’s just another person.
Gemini has that “live” feature where you can talk out loud and it sounds like you’re talking to a real person. Combining that with pre-prompting for casual conversation is fairly convincing.
Yeah, it’s unfortunately common to have games running better through proton than the native port. We’ve seen a lot of devs drop their linux port recently because the proton version ran better with fewer issues.
Obviously a well executed native linux port is preferable, but a lot of smaller devs have trouble justifying spending a lot of time working out kinks for a linux port if the game already runs great through proton.
I think some people sabotage relationships for the same reason they throw video games. They have fears/suspicions that it’s going to not work out, and rather than be a victim they want to have some control over the outcome. A loss or failed relationship doesn’t hurt as bad if they caused it to end the way it did.
However in your case, it sounds more like a fear of something different. It’s a lot easier to keep things like they are, when a relationship gets too serious or life impacting it can be easy to be scared of the change, and instead subconsciously decide you want to keep things like they are.
Part of what was weird is I tried paying with Google Play credit, and it wouldn’t take that either.
Huh, google play is refusing to sell it to me. Getting a [OR- FGEMF-20] error code regardless of payment method.
Edit: searching I came across a reddit thread, the post is older but all the comments are people complaining about this issue with trying to buy Balatro today.
Edit2: working now for me, about 4 hours after the game went live
Yeah, but when this happened proton wasn’t a thing yet, and running windows games through wine was very hit or miss.
I bought Rocket League because it had a Linux version, and Linux games were scarce before proton. Epic bought the developers of rocket League, and made it Epic exclusive. People who bought the steam version got to keep it, except for Linux users because Epic cancelled Linux support.
Epic loves to act like they’re anti monopoly, but they only care about that when they’re competing for market share. They’re extremely pro Microsoft and anti Linux.
Also one of the biggest concerns about Valve having a monopoly in the PC gaming space is that they could use their marketshare and money to block rival stores from getting popular games, making it hard to compete and removing user choice. In reality, Valve hasn’t done this, but Epic is leveraging their big pile of fortnite money to do this. It makes people think that if Epic ever gets into a dominate market position, that they’ll absolutely be an abusive monopoly that makes the market space worse for everyone else.
It takes a lot less money and knowledge to tear things down than it does to build them up. Especially if the members are willing to die for the cause.
Obviously there have been major improvements over the past 80 years, but that’s still considered the first neural network. The need for multi-layer neural networks was recognized by 1969, but the knowledge of how to do that took awhile to be worked out.
Fun fact, the Perceptron is basically the first machine learning AI, and it was invented in 1943. It took a long time and many advancements in hardware before it became recognizable as the AI of today, but it’s hardly a new idea.
AI is starting to get really smart
Well that’s kinda terrifying. Being “locked in” is one of the scarier things I can imagine, and it sounds like it might be a lot more common than we thought.
That does sound quite a bit different, although without the actual details of the internal situation it’s hard to say.
Yeah that was my first thought as well for some reason. Obviously solar calculators/etc have been around for longer so that makes more sense, but I fully clicked on this hoping it was energy from key presses.