FuckyWucky [none/use name]

Pro-stealing art without attribution

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2023


  • To be sure, consumers would benefit from lower-priced goods. But persistent economy-wide deflation can also trigger a vicious cycle of lower spending and investment, leading to even weaker growth and higher unemployment.

    Unless countered by increased Government spending, they have implemented some stimulus measures but I hope they go for more.

    Central Government can always unconditionally invest and spend without caring about turning money into more money.

    Its why real wages and unemployment are better measures than solely looking at prices.

    Capitalist magazines can’t imagine Government doing stuff other than weapons for genocide or bank bailouts.

  • The profits being made on those assets aren’t being kept for Russia to use in the future. They’re now being used to fund Ukraine

    Rachel, Where do “profits” on these assets come from? These aren’t corporate bonds but Government bonds. The Governments (US, UK and others) are paying the defence contractors using public money.

    If there were no Russian foreign reserves being stolen, would the west not have sent weapons to Ukraine? Of course not! The weapons manufacturers have to make profits, it would come out of a different Government account.

    They are making excuses to make it look like the public isn’t paying for it.

  • Therein lies the crux of the situation. On one hand she is absolutely right. As in Africa, Global South countries are reacting to economic outreach from China and Russia because a) they need it and America (private nor public) isn’t in the game and b) help from China and Russia doesn’t appear to come with as many strings as U.S. assistance might demand.

    it would be funny if they help global South countries build up productive forces, but that goes against everything U.S. is about. America doesn’t even have a domestic Marshall plan.

  • In May, officials unveiled the biggest rescue package yet. It contains a 300 billion-yuan ($42 billion) central bank fund that attempts to help local governments buy finished but unsold homes and turn them into subsidized housing.


    Separately, the IMF warned of “significant downside risks” to China’s inflation outlook, saying “a negative domestic demand shock amid high debt levels could trigger a period of sustained deflation.”

    Does it tough? Why would aggregate demand collapse because of real estate developers going bankrupt? They make up a small part of the population and hoard more of their wealth. Also, very funny that IMF only cares about private debt buildup when it affects the porky-happy.

    Where is the concern for a demand shock when you pressure Kenya and Nigeria into raising sales taxes, which has much greater impact on aggregate demand?