Isn’t it trivial to run both? You just point them at the same library right?
Isn’t it trivial to run both? You just point them at the same library right?
I think it might offer Downloads as an optional checkbox to select on first login, but can’t remember off top of my head. Also, they definitely want you to blow through your free storage to give you a reason to upgrade the storage.
Holy crap, that’s the exact post I was talking about! Nice!
I mean, they do until they don’t. They eventually retired 16 bit subsystem, and they are gungho on TPM now. They have always had EOL dates for old OS’s too. I’m not entirely sure why they do what they do, I suspect they are too large and unwieldy to operate as an entity with a unified vision.
Are you sure it’s not bad from a technical perspective? I saw a story from a former programmer talking about how changes would be made the to the interface in the new settings app that’s trying to replace control panel and the shit was like a horror story.
Awesome job!
Ah yes, for comparison my parents was built year 2000. 22 year difference in quality!
There might have been advances to that tech, maybe it’s better thermally regulated now. My parents house had it in the kitchen and I think it was relatively new concept when house was built, I found the heat to be a bit uneven, a bit uncomfortable in some spots.
Can also use Pi KVM to add a similar capability to non server grade hardware that doesn’t have it. I did that for a workstation once.
I mean… It’s a feeling. Dysphoria is a complex thing, it’s not as clear cut as, let’s skip right to surgery.
Therapy and/or hormone treatment certainly might make enough difference to not require surgery anymore.
Let’s not pretend that the act of transitioning is something that should be taken lightly. There are trans people who have been wholly unprepared for actually living life as the opposite gender and kill themselves. For example, I’m seeing cases of Female to Male trans saying they were completely unprepared for how lonely it is to live as a man compared to a woman. So for some of them that negative feeling of loneliness ended up being even more detrimental and unpleasant to them than the original dysphoria.
AF1 probably needs a database just for it’s in in-flight menu.
He didn’t say the SSN database isn’t SQL. He said the GOVERNMENT doesn’t use SQL.
Oh, well another user pointed out that SSN’s are not unique, I think they are recycled after death or something. In any case, I do know that when the SSN system was first created it was created by people who said this is NOT MEANT to be treated as unique identifiers for our populace, and if it were it would be more comprehensive than an unsecure string of numbers that anyone can get their hands on. But lo and behold, we never created a proper solution and we ended up using SSN’s for identity purposes. Poop.
Because of course the government uses SQL. It’s as stupid as saying the government doesn’t use electricity or something equally stupid. The government is myriad agencies running myriad programs on myriad hardware with myriad people. My damned computers at home are using at least 2-3 SQL databases for some of the programs I run.
SQL is damn near everywhere where data sets are found.
Those who live in Asperger’s house shouldn’t be casting retarded stones.
Why not start with what you got and improve the quality over time as you can, rather than hope for maximum efficiency setup from scratch. Like maybe rent the tiller and just see what grows with the soil as is? Then compost and fertilize.
Like change the parameters of the game. See how much you can do with as little money as possible. It might be less time efficient, but more cash efficient, if that’s what you care about.
Remember it’s YOUR, hobby, you make the rules of the game, then play it.
My gf is getting us chickens this year.
Plex server is running on my old Threadripper 1950X. Thing has been a champ. Due to rebuild it since I’ve got newer hardware to cycle into it but been dragging my heels on it. Not looking forward to it.
Pressure wash a few neighborhood walkways or houses, use income to buy drums.
Yeah I’m not sure what the purpose of the comment was. To convince people to continue using gas on the off chance it won’t increase cancer risk? That’s not a compelling reason to use gas. It might not kill me.