It’s not exactly hard. It’s really simple. It’s just shit to use.
It’s not exactly hard. It’s really simple. It’s just shit to use.
It’s a temporary ban. People just don’t say that. They are banned whether it’s temporary or not. They aren’t using the word incorrectly.
Yeah okay, but you don’t say I’m temporarily hungry the same way you don’t need to say I’m temporarily banned.
You’re hungry until you eat. You are banned until you are unbanned.
That’s just straight not true. For instance hunger. It’s definition doesn’t say it’s temporary but that doesn’t mean it’s permanent.
Nothing in the definition of ban says it has to be permanent.
It is correct. Half is 3/6 a third is 2/6. So a half is one third larger than 1/3
This is a really interesting and actually useful application of AI. I’m all for it.
It’s essentially why people have moved away from server side rendering.
It is way less resource intensive to send just the data and let the client do the rendering. Both in data transfer and compute.
QBasic was my first language when I started learning around the turn of the century. I remember it being super accessible even with the limited learning resources of the time.
The obvious problem is that I would have been quicker to write the function yourself than the examples.
I use the ai daily at work. But more as an interactive docs and refactoring tool.
My git gui has a tick box on that prompt to specifically include added files. I now see why haha
Every new project for me starts with setting up git. There’s no reason not to. It takes seconds.
I get an email from LinkedIn about jobs roughly every hour so wouldn’t be long
I use a free email service with my custom domain. If it went down I’d just switch to another. Down time would likely just be while DNS records proliferated.
I just use the HashCode class and compare the results.
That is completely incomprehensible lol
This argument just doesn’t hold up. Software written by some of the best developers in the world still has these same bugs.
Why even use a language where you have to put so much effort into something that comes for free in many modern languages.
Well yeah they are public? Lemmy is indexed by Google. I imagine everything on here is as well.