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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Marco Rubio got almost 58% of the vote in 2022. DeSantis got over 59%. Moody got over 60%. Patronis 59.5%. Simpson 59%. All statewide races. 59.36% of FL House race votes went to Republicans. 60.07% of FL Senate race votes went to Republicans. Across the board and with remarkable consistency, 60% of your neighbors have voted to gut your education system and teach your kids fantasies. Don’t shoot the messenger.

    This can be attributed to the fact that Democrats have completely abandoned the idea of campaigning in Florida and the fact that the Florida government is well-known to engage in voter suppression efforts.

    Majority. A clear majority. And it’s their actions that are fucking over your entire state, not mine.

    Nearly half of Floridians don’t even vote for various reasons including but not limited to voter suppression, so nah, it’s a minority of residents. I’m also highly doubtful that colleges not accepting high school diplomas from an entire state would even be considered legal, so I think I’ll be fine.

  • You really need an article about a dead child to remind you that a fast spinning metal propeller can be dangerous?

    Often one doesn’t think that something is dangerous until it’s pointed out to them. Stories are the most effective way to spell shit out to people, it’s why we started making them.

    Aren’t there hundreds of warning signs with information just like that labeled on everything in the U.S.?

    Nobody reads those.

    Don’t you need some license or at least an instruction lesson to opperae a boat?

    Whether you need that, and the quality of it, depends on the state, and of course nothing’s stopping you from doing it illegally.

    Wouldn’t an article about boat safety in general be much more helpful than a story about a dead child?

    Who the fuck reads articles about boat safety?

    Okay, one person on a boat is now more aware of the danger while ten people around the world are one step closer to mental breakdown and depression.

    I’d recommend seeking a psychiatrist for that, this did not affect me whatsoever.

  • You’re literally a communist, you don’t get to speak to anyone else about respect or having a backbone. Your specialty, as shown in this comment section, is twisting others’ words and running from your prior statements. Now, if you’ll excuse me, it’s two hours until midnight and you’ve proven yourself not worth speaking to. I like to stay off social media on Sundays. If you are ready to engage in good faith discussion and apologize for your statements about non-whites come Monday, then we can continue this conversation then. Goodnight, and I hope you can become an adult someday.

  • It is an easily discernable fact that western nations who value inclusion, democracy, economic freedom, property rights, and tolerance are more moral than countries like Russia, who value none of those things. This is also visible when America wages war. America makes painstaking efforts to avoid civilian casualties even when enemy action makes it exceedingly difficult to do so, especially in modern times, and that’s why only 46k civilians died in Afghanistan. America’s war was also justified because we were attacked first, but you seem to think Al-Qaeda’s attack on a civilian target was justified because of the acts of America’s government, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what other atrocities you believe are justified by your own logic.

    Meanwhile, Russia is systematically raping Ukraine and Russia’s predecessor, the Soviet Union, killed or exiled a third of Afghanistan’s population. Numerous genocides and ethnic cleansings were also committed in service of the Russian ethnic group by the USSR, and another one is ramping up in Ukraine as we speak.

    Note that Russia is also white, meaning that there is no racial dimension to this. You brought whiteness into this, and you have exposed what you really think about non-whites when you stated that being moral is a trait of the white man. Your obsession with me being a fascist or a white supremacist is merely projection meant to obscure your own beliefs.

  • I appreciate the honesty. You are clearly either a troll or a red fascist. I sincerely hope that you go outside and speak to some non-white people so that your opinions on them can be proven wrong through experience. I sincerely hope that, one way or another, you stop spouting this garbage about morality being a characteristic of the white man. Preferably by becoming an adult. Throughout history there have been many cases of non-whites being more upstanding than their white peers, and some of the most upstanding people I have met and come to look up to are non-white. Every race and ethnic group has people who behave immorally, but the vast majority of them are just as upstanding as you and I. Simply speak to them and you shall understand this.

  • Aaaaaaaaand - you’re a rabid white supremacist, Clyde… or would you prefer me to use the term “western chauvinist”?

    Explain what the fuck you meant or I’ll assume all this white supremacist talk is just your fucking projection. You implying that non-whites are either immoral or “acting white” is an unforgivable insult to my non-white friends and family, and all upstanding people everywhere.