In a normal world, there’s no need for groups. We’re all just people. No one is an exception- no one is special. To me, they are the same as eveone else.
Just people.
In a normal world, there’s no need for groups. We’re all just people. No one is an exception- no one is special. To me, they are the same as eveone else.
Just people.
I treat them as normal people and don’t refer to them at all. They’re no different than anyone else in any way and shouldn’t be excluded or included as a result of their sexual identity.
That was…. AMAZING.
Enjoy Trump.
I’d all but wager on a guarantee that this is no residence. They’re doing this shit to themselves to garner sympathy and victimize themselves in order to justify the shit they know will be sketchy at best and downright criminal at worst.
That’s exactly what I thought when I read this as well. They have to be victims 24/7.
Look, I get what you’re trying to do, so I’ll pretend there’s a small about of genuineness to what you’re saying- and respond accordingly:
Actual REAL outrage is very easy to tell. You can’t tell me that you haven’t seen people up in arms over their “gEnOciDe jOe” nonsense. And not even just that, but even the smallest of things will set them off.
Seriously, I got yelled at and pointlessly downvoted for stating that I didn’t like anime- In a post that questioned popular things others enjoy that you don’t like.
Go to any news article, or political community and look at how many people bypass the all the voices of reason to carry on with their nonsense. Or go to any opinion based post and look at how many arguments erupt into name calling and mid removed posts because people can’t handle others disagreeing with them.
You can keep trying to equate what I’m doing as being similar though. I’ve explained my point beyond what I feel you’re owed, and at this point, I’m done discussing this with you.
lol! Let me get this straight here:
So, if I say I don’t give a shit about something, and some random troll says I do- they’re right about it simply because I offered an explanation?
I think psychotherapy found its next shooting star! I mean… wow… You get to tell people what they’re thinking regardless of what they’re actually thinking! You should write a book:
Mind Reading For Idiots: How To Convince Yourself You Won An Argument Using Playground Rules’
You sound like a Fox News correspondent interviewing a Proud Boy.
I can assure you, you’re reading into it wrong. Reread it again- and imagine it coming from someone that doesn’t give a shit whether or not it happens- but that they meant what they said about not being surprised- because I guarantee that it’s been reported.
Now I’m going to add some smiley emojis to emphasize the point as that’s apparently how people understand things now.
Fancy quotes doesn’t make a thing true.
Treated the same, or treated special…. Pick one.
Personally, I don’t think anyone is excluded. And won’t treat someone differently just because others do. Everyone is equal in my world. Who you love is no business of mine. If others make it so- that’s not something I should adjust for.
Do as you wish.