Tune it out. I went all in last time. It’s not worth it for your mental health
Tune it out. I went all in last time. It’s not worth it for your mental health
Jealous. Congratulations
I did this and when he’d talk I acted like I didn’t hear him. Worked for me
Saw them at Walmart, lol
This is when it all became real. These people vote
Is that better? That fuckfacescara is more competent than the Twinkie
This speaks to me on a spiritual level
We should have broke off with the south when we had the chance. But, no. We tried to play fair.
Big promises! Wait, wait I may be changing my vo… nope
American pie…with my gf at the time 😬
Only a 7% increase after that nightmare.
I remember there was actually a scientific article written about this. If I recall, it’s something about your brain/subconscious knowing that you are close to a toilet
One of my favorite Halloween movies!
It turns out, if you learn to read when you’re young, you can read as an adult 🤯
$4-$4.50 - indiana