I don’t remember, it was a long time ago. But I’m sure a biology major or professional biologist could answer your question
I don’t remember, it was a long time ago. But I’m sure a biology major or professional biologist could answer your question
A single dna molecule is too small to see with the naked eye, but a few million dna molecules released from a few million microbes is easy to see IRL. In my bio lab days we did an experiment to isolate the dna molecules from a scoop of microbes, and at the end you wind up with a clump of dna molecules that together are about the size of an eraser head.
And yeah as the other person said, the term “staining” is the official term used for what you’re calling “tagging”
I called it based on only ever hearing the title. You have to have made a ton of bad choices to wind up at a place where that title seems like a good idea
Why not 1 tb?
I was gonna say I’ve never seen a price gap that wide
View includes being able to see the sky. These permanently block some of the view of the sky.
Since the video’s point is that awnings are too unattractive for people to use them, then hot damn is that so much worse. Solid metal gates - for when you want your house to look like a convenience store in a bad neighborhood when riots are about to start.
While that may be true, it doesn’t make people want them any more than they currently do. People want to have their full window view available whenever they want it. This means it needs to be retractable and extendable at the push of a button. And once you have that, it’s easy and helpful for it to also be automated
Make them better looking and push-button retractable from inside, and people will want them.
At 16:40 he suggests high tech awnings that automatically unfurl and retract to provide the ideal amount of shade on each day of the year. Seems like a nearly perfect solution to me
Is there a reason why you can’t get an air conditioner? There’s tons of valid reasons why it wouldn’t be an option, I’m just wondering what your situation is. Because nothing is ever gonna work anywhere close to as good as an air conditioner. If you can afford even the smallest air conditioner then it’ll beat every single diy method in most situations
Cool! Love it! Thanks for being a friend Kenya!
Venture Brothers is the best!
We don’t have to imagine it, humans are often just as awful to other humans
There’s a map that shows where every file on your disk is. Doing a regular trash just erases the map pointer for that file, but the 1s and 0s that the file is made of are still sitting there on your disk. Secure erase writes 0s into that area on the disk, so even if you knew where that file used to be located on the disk, now you’ll just find 0s there, instead of finding the 1s and 0s of the old file.
Apparently you just had to climb it!
Care to tell us some specific people who you think are extremists in the democratic party? And which particular policy positions you think are extreme?
Get a card in pc1 that does video input. Connect the video output of pc2 into the video input of pc1. Now the video of pc2 will be in a window on the screen of pc1.
Thanks for the link, and it shows precisely that his position is very considered, difficult, and nuanced, which is as it should be on a morass like the situation in the middle east.
No, its pretentious and not understandable to a huge percent of people. Exactly how the movie is according to all reviews. It doesn’t matter if the technical meaning of the phrase is applicable or not. It’s an obviously bad title for a mass market movie. For an art film showing at indie theaters it would be ok, but for a mass market film it’s a horrible title that screams “this movie is cringe!”