If you don’t think Ukraine is on Russia’s doorstep I suggest you brush up on your geography.
Know thyself
If you don’t think Ukraine is on Russia’s doorstep I suggest you brush up on your geography.
it’s difficult to keep things secret when an entire country is suddenly involved in a war that’s literally on it’s doorstep
This description applies to the war with Ukraine as well. Weird that you think this is a point in your favor.
“No one is advocating for sexually explicit content to be available in an elementary school library or in [the] children’s section of the library,” Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said. “That’s a distraction from the real challenge. I understand and respect that parents may choose to limit what their children read, especially at younger ages. My wife and I did. Others do, too. But no parent should have the right to tell another parent’s child what they can and cannot read in school or at home. Every student deserves access to books that reflect their experiences and help them better understand who they are.”
Weird how you keep asking “questions” like this after you were already shown that the stops were extremely disproportionate. It’s almost like you didn’t care about the answers to the questions at all, and were just using “questions” as a vehicle to insert your already formed opinions.
You are of course correct, the ‘law’ as written is way too vague to actually even apply in many situations. But it is a fun way to call out articles like this!
I would personally say it is more of a rule of thumb for identifying clickbait journalism. But calling it that isn’t catchy enough, much like the first half of this article’s headline 😄
Yeah, it reminds me of some kind of elongated bat’leth
Alright, it’s pretty clear to me you don’t actually care about the truth of the matter here, so I don’t really see a point in engaging further.
Feel free to have the last word. Best of luck to you.