My experience has been that most people only use a computer at work and use their phone or a smart TV for everything else. Although, they usually also own a laptop for when a computer is required
My experience has been that most people only use a computer at work and use their phone or a smart TV for everything else. Although, they usually also own a laptop for when a computer is required
I think it’s a bit more hopeful than that(America is still fucked short term, but humanity might be better off long term). Throughout history, people have been misinformed idiots that don’t think critically. It’s just that prior to about 2008, people didn’t really have access to the deluge of information that is social media and we’re still trying to figure that out.
The reason misinformation on social media works so well is that people want to learn things, and if someone tells them a believable enough lie, they’ll take that as fact doing only minimal checks(eg: my friend whom I trust shared this article saying that it’s the Mexican’s fault I see so many homeless people, so it must be true).
Stuff like this has happened throughout history. People published absolutely insane things in books and presented them as fact for hundreds of years, and it set back things like science and medicine for equivalently long, as people didn’t fact check things then either.
The fact that people are already hammering on about trying to fact check social media means that people are educated enough now to start, and we as a species just need another small push in that direction
Sometimes you can have a thing that isnt a computer. Sometimes you can just have a glass door. I promise it’s okay.
With the magnetic attachment to the main console, having hall effect joysticks would be basically impossible
For me, it was a number of things that all came about through my 20s. The biggest were learning both how and when to tell people “no”, and making a conscious effort to think proactively rather than reactively.
What I mean by that is don’t take on extra work only because someone asks you to, and if something goes wrong, only worry about it if you can actually do something about it. Both of these are skills that require practice.
Also, as others have said, think critically if it might just be a shitty work environment. If that’s the case, consider looking for other work while keeping this job.
Boring reasons mostly.
Im told they offer better options for tiered monetization and the UI is supposedly way better. They also do a better job of promoting smaller creators.
Plus, they never threatened to oust their adult content creators because their payment processor asked them to.
Pretty good, actually. Assuming that you can brand it the right way.
For example, if you’re okay catering to gay men and can position yourself as a confident top with a dad-bod, there is a market for you.
They might, actually. I know of some people that stream software development to Twitch
I’d probably use Fansly instead of OF, but yeah, absolutely. (Assuming that I had the drive to actually do the marketing legwork and had something to offer that was actually in demand, that is)
Wired communications would take over immediately and it would be a massive pain in the ass, but we’d ultimately adapt.
If the EM jamming is enough to also degrade the signal in copper lines, which at 1000x the strongest signal, might happen, then basically all modern society would collapse within 48 hours
Who the fuck looks for furry porn on Pornhub?
Someone should let Oregon know that E621 exists.
Google search is not the same thing as google Chrome. Search still sees a benefit in paying to be the default search provider in Firefox.
The UNs mission is mostly to exist as a forum for the leaders of a nation to discuss issues in a known-safe environment. It’s not meant for oversight, nor is it meant to police anything, even if it is sold that way sometimes.
This is bad news for my productivity
That is still an option, but there is a tradeoff. There is a button in the software to enable on-board memory mode.
You lose all your key assignment controls and fine-tuned DPI settings, but it stores on the device. If you want to have those features available, the mouse needs some software on the PC to talk to for more fine-grained control.
Me either. I have a G502 and I have the G Hub app to control the features(DPI, button assignments, RGB), but I’ve never needed an account to use it.
I’m not sure I necessarily agree. Your assessment is correct, but I don’t really think this situation is security by obscurity. Like most things in computer security, you have to weight the pros and cons to each approach.
Yubico used components that all passed Common Criteria certification and built their product in a read-only configuration to prevent any potential shenanigans with vulnerable firmware updates. This approach almost entirely protects them from supply-chain attacks like what happened with ZX a few months back.
To exploit this vulnerability you need physical access to the device, a ton of expensive equipment, and an incredibly deep knowledge in digital cryptography. This is effectively a non-issue for your average Yubikey user. The people this does affect will be retiring and replacing their Yubikeys with the newest models ASAP.
Absolutely. If you are the CISO in a place where security is a top priority with adversaries that may have access to the equipment and knowledge to exploit this, you will absolutely want to retire the keys ASAP and replace them with the new model that is not vulnerable to this.
Kind of. There is one punctuation tell that you can typically use to tell if someone is older, and thats if they use ellipsis to separate thoughts rather than line breaks in informal settings.
Back in the day when you were writing on paper, space was a limited resource, so people that are more used to that will separate ideas with a ‘…’ rather than starting a new paragraph because you can fit more text into a smaller footprint.
Come the turn of the millennium, digital writing became the norm and people that grew up surrounded by computers tend to use line breaks instead because space is not limited in the same way anymore.