I can fit the same amount in my jacket pockets as fits in one bag of groceries. I am literally saving money by wearing a jacket for men lol
I can fit the same amount in my jacket pockets as fits in one bag of groceries. I am literally saving money by wearing a jacket for men lol
Assistant Post Flight Fluffer
I watched it with my girlfriend. We both liked it. All the negativity seemed really exaggerated to me. I hope you guys will like it, too.
The UK sports experience
This is incredibly visually pleasing to me. The look of the dice, the fact that they all landed on the same value, the yellow lighting contrasting the blue, is all just scratching every arbitrary itch in my head, as well as reminding me of a cozy evening of playing dice with my grandparents.
Your lucky throw is now this strangers phone background.
On an unrelated note, H
That’s her exhaust fan, you pervert!
I always read it as *griner griner*, even though i know it was supposed to be griner godt lol.
I feel like the difference between good game and laughing would be the asterixes.
I remember this GG ^^
And then you gotta type your smiley faces with a nose :-D
I have the same experience as your observation, i.e., when I was younger I primarily just empathized with the main character and never went deeper. And now I can do both.
Where I’m at currently, I still primarily empathize with the main character, especially on first watches. Although, I may be taken out of it by a really cool shot, or if I discover something important about the writing that takes my thoughts in that direction.
It is on subsequent watches, when I already know what is going to happen to the characters on the surface level, that i start to think about why the movie is written this way, like a step deeper. That’s when I will begin to think about the big picture things.
I actually think thats a pretty building, while finding the other buildings mentioned in this thread boring to ugly. Just to put in my two cents. At least this one has a prettier color.
It’s So Meta Even This Acronym
Like not doing enough LSD, apparently
Spain: “No, we cannot agree to those terms.”
Shakira’s council: “then we shall throw in a gigantic statue of Shakira on top.”
Spain: “…please don’t.”
Shakira’s council: “You got yourself a deal!”
Haha thanks, that makes it all worth it
Mom and Dad staring incredulously as family dinner takes a very unexpected turn.
Just like Trump himself, who is one of the leading expats on multiple subjects such as business and politics!
Woo let the dogs out
Between 8:15 and 10am
My grandma always told of a legendary man in my hometown, who would always take his horse to the local bar in the 1950s. When he got too drunk and fell asleep, the other patrons would carry him outside and sling him sideways over the horse, which would then trot off in to the night, supposedly delivering him safely at home.
I know that’s not very scientific evidence, but I always took it to be true. Maybe someone can concur.