unpaid intern admin at Lemmygrad Inc.™
unlimited death to 🇺🇸 and its proxies
wrong reply chain, accidental infighting 😭
yes, the country that’s actively reducing their fossil fuel use and have historically reached their stated goals with time to spare is surely the problem, never mind the massive pollution from the long-industrialized Western countries that have had many decades to stop using fossil fuels
Agreed, apologies if I seemed hostile. Regardless of how strict the definition is, Amerika is by far the worst (especially if you include sanctions placed on countries like Cuba, the DPRK and Syria, which I think is entirely reasonable considering the effects and stated intentions)
I think that’s too reductive; genocide is somewhat vaguely defined, but I’ve always seen it as systematically trying to eradicate some large group of civilians; AFAIK the Russian military isn’t deliberately killing those who aren’t fighting back (not even if they’re Nazis). On the other hand, maybe “genocide” is just a flawed term since it’s based on presumed intent rather than results
genocide is when you consistently try to avoid civilian casualties
why is the delivery taking so long for my genocide-themed clothes
To Save Money, Maybe You Should Organize a Violent Revolt Against the Capitalist Class
that damn avocado toast can’t do anything right smh
you don’t have to pay your loans if you die in Ukraine 👍👍👍
also why is it showing a seemingly depressed person, just seems like bad advertising
capitalism has only existed for a few centuries
I can understand being confused about the distinction between private and personal property but all you need to understand it is a skim through the Manifesto
it’s actually a fairly cold take outside of the imperial core
if you consider the Ukrainian post-coup government the legitimate government for all of Ukraine, including the part they’ve been bombing for almost a decade, sure
agreed, although I would guess that a lot of these extremely expensive GPUs are used for machine learning, 3D modelling and other intensive tasks
who at the same time support violence and imperialism from Russia or China
I’d challenge you to find a single example of Chinese (PRC) imperialism, even with a simplistic definition like “invading other countries”
Element and other Matrix clients