EA finally realized that re-releasing DLC non stop was not gonna generate new sales.
24yrs, Chilean 🇨🇱 Computer Engineer & Tech Geek 🎮
EA finally realized that re-releasing DLC non stop was not gonna generate new sales.
If we talk Action JRPGs then i guess it’s Drakengard.
Protagonist power not enough? Then i summon my legendary dragon and end my turn!
(Wait no, that last thing is not entirely true.)
Watch White House Down (2013)
You want actual gore?
Will do sir, will do.
You said it.
In nature.
“Population pressure and the stress of modern life may cause an increase in violent tendencies. The urban environment is the incubator for all sorts of undesirable behaviors…”
People like me have only one problem with what you just said, and it’s called “Bruxism”.
Will check on that!
Nice try r/Spez.
You’ll usually want 3.5" on anything that isn’t a laptop for the price and higher max speed
I didn’t say lower SDKs can’t work, but there IS a higher chance that they’ll fail.
The main problem is that VLC’s minimum SDK is still targeting Android 4.2, this is an issue with a ton of apps (games specially), which basically renders them incompatible/buggy with modern Android versions.
Being honest here, all app developers should target Android 8 as their minimum nowadays, as anything below that can’t even browse the web anymore.
Because of this:
And this why i aim to get a PhD.
Simpler question, why would you buy a Smart Watch?