Average shitposter
His name is Terry Davis
It’s only now that I realise that I understood that reference so late
Free drink? Absolutely
Do you have a built-in browser in your brain that renders it?
This screenshot is not mine, it was sent to me via Matrix
Maybe split-view pictures?
No red circle please
"Whatever you do, don’t.
Oh, I did mix up anti cheat and normal DRM. But I’ll prefer not to use DRM services.
I prefer not to have someone else have control of my PC. That’s why I pirate content. I don’t want the drm to ever become a root user on my PC so that I (god forbid) don’t download movies
Well yes, that would be quite cool. We can’t have nice things, I guess.
Do these services have DRM? If so, I’ll stay away from them.
Oh, I didn’t even notice. Probably some artistic stuff, but I would prefer if it was more stable.
I have no idea why you were down voted. These are facts, not opinions
Why not just have a script that sets up all of the software one would want to host?