I suppose that Donny is surprised. No body else is.
I suppose that Donny is surprised. No body else is.
Then the words need to say what they mean. At the moment they mean that Mozilla own everything.
The sad part is that a technological society built ethically might be sustainable however we’ve blown it with run away climate change.
Apparently endless growth is a good thing. How the planet is supposed to continue to provide and survive a continuous expansion of Homo sapiens is beyond me. The only way out is to decrease population growth and refactor the world economy away from endless growth.
It could be worse. He could also be a TV evangelical pedophile.
In Australia it stems from the use pays ethos. Universities have to raise funds and then do research based on what the funders want. Pretty stultifying to be a researcher.
Wow, activists! Well done!
When it comes to faxes, doctors and lawyers seem to be the main supporters in Australia. They have secure messaging available but cling to the insecure and antiquated fax. I’ve integrated fax into medical practice management apps and they thought it was such a step forward (after a while).
Surprising as new hardware hasn’t had a floppy disk drive for years and old equipment is probably running a non supported operating system which is totally vulnerable.
Most of everyone else would agree that it is a lack of political will.
There are ads on the radio in Perth that are spruiking how essential methane is to industry. What’s most annoying is no mention of the devastating effects on the climate crisis. Greenwashing at its finest.
Here I am, surprised that the US has troops in Chad.
Sounds like more shooting between Chinese and Indian soldiers with little to show for it.
We still use disinformation when, given the seriousness, we should be calling them what they are, lies.
Because Russia is so good at it and effectively does it all the time as well as it being doctrine.
Given that Russian doctrine is all about disinformation and deflection, is he actually worth listening to until there is something on the table?
Never watched this Carlson fool but it seems that others do to their detriment. If you are so desperate for ratings that you need to give a platform to Putin, your life must be in tatters.
It’s amazing that rentals are going through the roof all around the world, there seems to be different reasons everywhere but the problem is the same. The underlying problem is probably capitalism underscored by neoliberalism which drives laws and policies to support short term, high growth returns.
That’s a lot of rapes. Aside from guns do Texans actually care about anything. They obviously don’t care about women other than sex objects.
Too true. Should have read the article but the WSJ is on the nose. Others had a better take.