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You know what’s funny, the two clients that don’t support your dropdown/spoiler for anti-commercial licences were commercial closed-source Lemmy clients.
I say sod them and go back to your dropdown.
Look up “Stanford marshmallow experiment”.
Me in the late 90s: CSS is not a language!
Today: Holy crap, it’s now Turing-complete.
deleted by creator
“It’s a deck of playing cards. How much more fun can it be, compared to the 50+ other solitaire games? And why would I want to play poker by myself?”
So I got a bit of money leftover after bills, and decided to get it anyway cause I haven’t played anything fun this year. Went in blind without reading or watching any reviews.
Turns out it’s NOT just your standard deck of playing cards. You can do all sorts of crazy things to your deck. Like playing illegal hands such as five-of-a-kind, or a flush house. It’s a lot of fun.
Obligatory link to the Rustonomicon.
Should you wish a long and happy career of writing Rust programs, you should turn back now and forget you ever saw this book.
all work in floats
We even have float16 / float8
now for low-accuracy hi-throughput work.
I really don’t know the Scottish English
If you think American v. British are at 80-90%, Scottish is around 30% and that’s being generous 🙂
Not uplifting. CEOs are literally there to be pushed out whenever things hit the fan - just so the company is seen to be doing something. Nothing will change. Profits will stay. The rich will keep getting richer. Move along, plebs.
But if we let this happen, what’s stopping an anime character winning the competition? Or a cat? Or robot? Where do we draw the line?!?
On second thoughts, a cat would be pretty awesome. They’ll at least dominate the catwalk part of the competition.
But then people will see how many bugs your code actually has, and how you actually can’t be bothered fixing any of them!
I hate how soy has been used by bigots as an insult. Soy products are bloody delicious!
Go wash your mouth with some SOAP.
You may get a better answer if you follow the suggestion in the comment at the bottom of your source:
// - Ask our friendly community members if you need help: lemmy.world/c/perchance
The syntax is specific to Perchance, a website that 99% of the general public have never heard of.
I don’t know where you are, but painter’s tape (or masking tape) comes in all sorts of colours. Including white.
The way I normally do it is the following. Strip the sleeve further back than you need (say, an inch). Untwist the 8 cores and separate them.
Arrange them in the right order (the extra length makes this easy) Flatten, pack them together, and pinch with your thumb and forefinger near the base.
Without letting go of the pinch, use your free hand to cut them to the correct length. Now that you have them flat between your fingers in the right order, it should be pretty straightforward to slide them into the connector.
Ah. So the article that - after mentioning all the other scary stuff like ebola and HIV - concluded with 10 paragraphs basically saying how sars-cov-2 is quite dissimilar to them? How most other coronavirus infections are short-lived?
Or, “Covid-19 long-haulers are probably not dealing with the virus for months on end. Rather, … that the immune system is trying to repair the damage”.
The one that ends with the quote that, for the majority of people, "It gets in, it gets out”?
The one that says nothing about the virus living dormant like shingles?
Bear in mind that “free speech” just means you can’t be arrested for what you say.
When someone’s talk is being boycotted or - in this case - refused entry to a region, their free speech rights aren’t being infringed.
That said, I (and the French, it seems) agree with your sentiment, this is totally an appalling move by Germany.