the streamable link from the guy above is good too (and no pesky commentators, I think). I had no idea Eurosport was geofenced on yt.
the streamable link from the guy above is good too (and no pesky commentators, I think). I had no idea Eurosport was geofenced on yt.
I saw one rumor where they uploaded a gibberish file for some reason. In another, there was a Windows update that shipped just before they uploaded their well-tested update. The first is easy to avoid with a checksum. The second…I’m not sure…maybe only allow the installation if the windows update versions match (checksum again) :D
eh, fuck it, nobody knows anything, it’s useless to be speculating atm, ok.
dude’s 20, he can’t even order a beer at a bar…but there he goes with his assault rifle :/
Finally, there will be bipartisan support for gun control, right guys?
PS: This is just one more instance of something that happens every day in US schools, parties, churches and other gatherings of republicans and democrats, just a matter of time until it hit a campaign trail: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2024
and Conda takes 20 minutes to do anything these days… 😂 send help
…the way they hold it :D
Roosters do this too: they call the hens to come share any tasty treats they come upon.
Democracy, rule of law…none of these are the norm in human history, they are not even intuitive concepts. It takes effort to keep alive against human and historical forces that keep pulling us back into becoming authoritarian shitholes. The great delusion is that since Fukuyama many thought liberal democracy was the inevitable final state whatever stupid shit we do with it…it’s not.
That sounds like a dutch joke.