You’re not gonna believe this
You’re not gonna believe this
The benefit of CRTs is most apparent in pre-rendered backgrounds (See Final Fantasy, Resident Evil). These backgrounds look incredible with shaders, and, indeed, on real displays.
Good looks stay good.
Aye, so right to work is a bad thing.
Is it in Colorado? If it is, it’s a good thing. If not, it’s a bad thing. Right to work is a bad thing.
It’s incredibly simple. Complacency. Greed takes root, nobody cares enough, and greed takes further and further root. The US has constructed its society into one where it is entirely normalised for someone to see a homeless person, and say “they earned it”.
Healthcare–and, by extension, everything else–will only change, when the people work to make that change. Simple as. As of now, corporations make change instead. Perhaps, what’s transpiring proves a turning point, but I’m not willing to believe that yet.
Yeah. That’s… what I said. It’s a two-in-one–I recognise that regulation is necessary, yet people seem to oppose it.
Until it benefits them (or, leopards).
But the free market is free, guys! Look at this freedom!
Ironically, I prefer browsers that specifically do not do this.
Mull. Available on F-Droid. Make sure to turn on permanent private browsing and clearing data upon quit, if that’s what you want.
Remember, Trump is the only person in the entire universe capable of improving the economy
I have played and enjoyed every single Final Fantasy game. Even XIII has some great stuff going for it. The series strong suit is that it’s never stale. Each game is a fresh, new take on a somewhat familiar net of design philosophies.
My favourite is XII. I love its job and gambit system, as well as the world design and music. IX comes just a tiny bit short, then V, probably.
Climax release outside of Japan. Crazy times we live in, huh
Excuse me what
I thought they practically were already.
This is why I consider being a furry a saving grace. For as much as it casts me out of mainstream groups, the furry fandom is known for its diverse, social nature. The issue is just finding those groups that’re right for me, in an absolute sea of groups.
That’s why I said it’ll take time. I’m new to Linux, new to drawing, new to game dev, not new to music, but still new to most things.
Third spaces. An important factor of city planning that the USA has elected to ignore, I’m aware. I’d just forgotten the term.
I like the idea of going to a library. I really need to get back into reading. I have a good few interests not furry related–philosophy, for example–that probably have a home in libraries. I’ll give it a shot.
I can’t remember why, but I don’t remember making it past signup. Something with the app is busted? I can try again.
I’m not religious, but I do love philosophical discussion. It’s a major passion.
Can’t tolerate sports. Parent drama stuff.
I’m into 50s-80s. Going on a tangent here, but practically everyone I know is into kpop, jpop and rap. Meanwhile, I like cassettes. There’s this nearby CD store I could try for a job at…
I’ll consider a community college.
I’ll locate a nearby library. I moved last month, and I’m still orienting myself.
This is pretty good advice, overall!
Removed formatting.