That’s the bank’s money.
That’s the bank’s money.
I’d like to save this piece of news and blast it in the face of the Polish government on the next Katyn anniversary.
How is the ICC both a US puppet and a US enemy right now?
As one of the devops/sysadmin types, if we give access to prod data to preprod systems, they are now in audit scope and you have to harden them or we lose our insurance and compliance certs.
Obviously the solution is to build some system where everything works out, but it’s not as easy as “just give root to devs”.
Reminds me of this old aeronautical joke. Context is a plane maintenance log.
Plane grounded, airspeed indicator inaccurate above 500 kts. (Signature of the pilot)
Plane airworthy, could not reproduce issue on the ground. (Signature of mechanic)
You don’t even need to cast in Python, a reference is a reference.
No, you would not get a sedition conviction for that. (Should I use drag instead of you?)
Pirating movies is not a criminal offence in most of Europe, it’s a civil one, you would get sued, not indicted. Not even all criminal acts qualify for opruiing, just those directly against public authority. So basically you need to be asking people to defy the orders of police or elected officials. Asking people to shit in the Seine for Macron wouldn’t count either. Asking people to protest is also safe, so is asking people to steal from a shop. Only if the police says “please don’t”, and you do it again is what might be a problem.
Also, the punishment for the first 2 convictions range from a warning through a 500 EUR fine to 60-90 days of mandatory public work. The third time is what carries a mandatory 2-3 year jail sentence. So it’s not a we’ll put you away forever law.
Also, mind that this is an anti-Nazi law, similar to the German ones on Volksverhetzung. This is the law needed to hold someone like Trump accountable for stochastic terrorism.
All that said, I think in this case the activists are right, and an EU court appeal might work for them.
WWII was not won by “a strong country” either, but wide and sometimes unlikely alliances.
IDK who is downvoting, it really is.
Just to add to the other great advice, I’m an ex-tech worker and I went through this every odd year when I switched. Five times in seven years.
It’s always awkward since you are leaving for a reason, and shit always sucks. It’s not you, it’s the system. Focus on your new place. It never gets simpler.
Good to see them growing balls since they paid to build the system from the get go. Merkel was happy to fund this in exchange for cheap and oppressed Hungarian labour.
Chicks came home to roost for both the EU and Orbán.
With pilots, it’s not Sweden and firing, but EASA and medicals.
After the Germanwings crash, the only reasonable choice was obviously making it so that most mental health issues disqualify you from flying. It does wonders for reporting.
Admitting you need help can end your career, not just lose your current job.
They want to own the internet and all the voices on it. That’s the long and short.
Cooking and outdoor BBQ seems to be a match, but even so, even talking about hobbies can be nice. Just ask him about how it’s going what bands he likes, and see if you can take him to a concert or get him an album for example. He’ll enjoy the concert, you’ll be there for the time spent together. Or the painting-woodworking thing someone said.
I think the trick is to approach it from an angle of “I want to participate in your hobby with you”, and see what you can bring to it, and that might get him hooked on reciprocating. Trying to get him to go first with doing the same might more likely result in disinterest.
Ask about their hobbies and let them talk about it, show interest.
You don’t have to be a pro Counterstrike player or a drummer in their band, but playing a match with them every month on a weekend or chatting them up about how the rehearsal went can’t hurt.
What hobbies does your son have?
Yes, but it is easier to obstruct and destroy than to build.
In some cultures, there is a much bigger emphasis on the exact classification of a settlement. It is part of the identity of the settlement and the people who live there.
In other places, everything is a city.
The French guy might come from a place like me where people take offense if you call their commune a village, and everyone knows and agrees that a particular place is a small town, a large town, a small city or a large city.
One of my wife’s more distant relatives called the place my parents live in, a small town, a village. It’s still something everyone remembers, even though it was more of a gaffe, less of an insult.
Correction: In Perl, everything works as can be expected.