I never trusted the stuff. We use to say this matter-of-factly when I was a kid, about thirty years ago. I’m glad to see that my unfounded confidence and speculation turned out to be right!
I never trusted the stuff. We use to say this matter-of-factly when I was a kid, about thirty years ago. I’m glad to see that my unfounded confidence and speculation turned out to be right!
I’m aware of the difference in motivation. My point is that people on both sides become radicalized by violence and therefore the cycle repeats with every generation.
Please remember that innocent Israeli kids were also murdered, albeit in smaller numbers.
My son is about the same age as the boy in the thumbnail, being held by his father. They look pretty similar too.
I can’t even imagine the pain and anger that I would feel to see my boy injured, what to speak of being killed, by militant forces. I would be absolutely beside myself with rage. It’s really no wonder this conflict has continued for generations. There are thousands of people on both sides who have become absolutely fixated on revenge.
If I had a dollar for everytime I’ve read a similar story in the last thirty years…
Rendering 3d immersive AI generated deepfake porn is going to be so fucking fast
“Mounting pressure”, much like “condemnation”, means absolutely nothing. Isreal will continue to whatever the hell they want and with immunity because western nations are so desperate for a middle eastern ally.
I don’t think that Venter is suggesting intelligent design. He’s claiming, as a result of his research, that it’s not effective to assume simple explanations for genomics and especially for cellular biology.
Every technological improvement in the methods of research has revealed more complexity in organisms and so it behooves us to suspend dogmatic approaches to the genome. That’s the subject of the book discussed in the article.
Craig Venter is very controversial and his statements are provocative. I’m not qualified to critique the science in this field. But I’d recommend you to take a look at the work his team is doing with synthetic chromosomes and engineered cells.
I’m not an expert on the subject. I can only repeat what Venter said: “the only junk DNA is in my colleagues brains”. He claims that all DNA has function and that it should not be referred to as junk just because we don’t know the function yet.
Craig Venter, the infamous head of the Human Genome Project and who created the first “synthetic” cell, has been saying this stuff for years. It’s remarkable how ahead of the times he is, perhaps because he’s not beholden to an academic institution.
He claims that a “tree of life” is fallacious, that there is no junk DNA, and that the bare minimum genes necessary for a living cell still can’t be determined even after decades of research.
I hope that the authors of the new Extended Evolutionary Synthesis will admit the deficiency of outdated assumptions and reject dogmatic approaches to the theory, as implied by the author of the book reviewed in this article.
Every five years the date of the earliest homo sapiens is pushed back five thousand years. They’ll be saying that homo sapiens were writing novels in 200,000 BC by the time I die.
Yeah but the poor IDF really need US taxpayers help! Heaven forbid it turns into a fair fight! /s
Seriously, though. Hamas is so ridiculously outgunned that I can’t imagine any good reason to continue supplying weapons to IDF. If they can’t get the job done with what arms have been given then maybe they’re not really trying to get the job done at all.
Almost anything can be addictive, but some things are explicitly designed to be addictive. I don’t think that young kids are capable of regulating their gaming addiction. Someone needs to intervene, most likely the parents.
Lol. I’m sure it’s a coincidence that the guy whose username is i_have_no_enemies is really good at making a lot of enemies.
…just like Israel.
The first line of the Guardian article says, “Two environmental protesters…”
Granted, I did assume that this was the same group that’s been throwing paint onto artwork and corporate headquarters and yachts.
Thank you for citing references.
I’m not usually inclined to conspiracy but I honestly think this group is planted by somebody to make environmental activists look bad.
I agree with you. I think this is a result of the New Atheist preaching of guys like Dawkins and Hitchens. They’re rather crude and provacative in their anti-theism and their followers subsequently have a pretty simplistic view of a complex subject.
Of course, there are even more religious fundamentalists doing exactly the same rabble-rousing. It behooves us to ignore all extremists.
Do you have any evidence of this, or is it anecdotal?
Damn. I’ve got the Mountain Dew drinkers riled up.
“Possibly causes cancer” is sufficient for me to never the touch the stuff. Please stop drinking these things. They’re literally addictive.