Yeah it’s more like displaying a picture of the doom intro screen rather than actually computing it. Still cool but vastly different than computing the drawing functionality of the game.
Yeah it’s more like displaying a picture of the doom intro screen rather than actually computing it. Still cool but vastly different than computing the drawing functionality of the game.
That depends on who is gatekeeping. I don’t think there is any christian nation-state offering a “right to return” but i would imagine they would have a litmus test too of they did.
The bombings and blockades will continue until morale improves is a hell of a way to convince Gaza folks that Israel is worth accepting. Unless they are trying to just up end and displace all in the region.
Logically his point meant that people who menstrate are also women, not that people that don’t have menstruation are not women.
I am confused how you got that take of a negative inference.
I think I will start doing that. Just dock it and use KDE on phone to wireless control it I’m thinking.