The SDG has been a failure.
It was a great idea, would have taken a significant step in the right direction, and created 12 trillion in global GDP.
But people suck.
The SDG has been a failure.
It was a great idea, would have taken a significant step in the right direction, and created 12 trillion in global GDP.
But people suck.
Who downvoted you? We can’t all escape our responsibilities for 3 hours, or enough to work everything at a strict schedule.
Yeah, this is bad advice for a comp level, or optimal progress, but for 99% of people the habit of going and doing something is orders of magnitude better than finding every excuse not to go that day.
I can barely manage anything that takes longer than cooking a decent meal.
Yeah, 3 hours.
There’s a reason I need the gym
Damn squid, is there anything your family group doesn’t do.
And for the record, id still call it OC. Its not your photo, but you posted it first so it is “original”.
We will take you in NZ.
To be fair, im not AI and ill still change every subject to to boobs eventually.
How many arms does Mrs. Squid have to do all that?
I played in 2021. World divided into pre and post covid.
Didn’t know it was that early though, damn.
Might have the dates off - subnautica should be up there.
Terrorists are usually defined as non-state actors who use violence to achieve political goals.
As the ruling party of Afghanistan they are no longer a non-state actor, therefore not terrorists.
They were right. Until they won.
Looked through history, they aren’t a bot.
Did you look, or just assume because you disagree?
Apparently that doesn’t matter.
Good on you for looking at facts that support you objectively.
Depends on your defined of terrorism, and what these actions are.
The usual one i see is to the effect of “non state actor using violence against a civilization population to further political objectives”. By that one:
no, Israel is a state
violence, yes.
civilian population is a maybe, depending on your definition of Hezbollah actions and position. Are they civilians, combatants, terrorists themselves?
further political objectives is likely, however I don’t see what the objective is. Kill people we don’t like is murder, not terrorism.
Of note, if its not a terrorist act it could very well be an act of war, invoking the right of self defense (Art 30???). If so, and civilian casualties weren’t minimized its leading towards war crime territory. I wouldn’t say it was - small explosive, on an object usually carried by the target, which was unlikely to be used by civilians.
Israel could use the same article to call this attack self defense against actions already taken. You can look at gulf War for the whole discussion around preemptive strikes for self defense.
Personally, I say no. Same way Chinese vessels “only” ramming and using waterguns on Philippine vessels isn’t terrorism.
While I’m aware it’s much newer its got similar vibes to history of the world
I just watched “o brother where art thou”. Soggy bottom boys got a new hit
Im with you.
Sorry, everything these days causes cancer. Let me have a quick easy dinner so this life is worth it.
You clicked into the discussion
You’re much more diplomatic than myself.
I saw them censor their language and just went “sush, adults are talking”.
We have a cult?!? Fuck yeah, sign me up.