The point isn’t to increase productivity it’s to tire and emiserate the minions.
Gentle nerd freak of the pacific northwest. All nation states are vermin.
The point isn’t to increase productivity it’s to tire and emiserate the minions.
Fascist coups succeed when the rich have bought into the coup.
Why would the rich seizing full control of the state make the stock market go down?
I think the title, opening sentence and paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 & 8 all show that she’s talking mostly about love in the sense of support and identify with.
Only paragraph 4 talks about the impossiblity of a personal connection with a nation and the next paragraph makes it clear that it’s a side point.
It’s an imprecise and out-of-place side point that I don’t agree with, but it’s not proof of her secret support of authoritarianism.
There’s no contradiction or double standard here.
Love and hate are usually understood to include support/oppose in their meaning. It’s cringey to say you “love” any nation, because they will never care for your wellbeing. It’s especially unacceptable to support violent imperial states.
That doesn’t preclude opposing or hating certain states, or having indifference to states that you don’t feel strongly impacted by.
they make the lives of their citizens better and better and avoid unnecessary wars
That’s an oversimplification of the truth, not defending authoritarianism. It’s not denying or minimizing China’s actions in Xinjiang or '89. It’s not praising the censorship or arbitrary detention.
I skimmed through the ~50 articles published this year and they were all anti imperialist pieces focused on the US & Israel. Not defending authoritarianism.
I think your brain is returning a false tankie positive. This is an article against supporting imperial states as part of your identity.
All day. Usually getting worse over the course of the day. Even a relatively mild hangover in the morning would be killing me by early evening.
Nothing helps it either. I’ve always eaten before drinking. Staying on top of hydrating while and after drinking has no noticable effect.
Our explanations for the behavior of outsiders say more about our beliefs than theirs.
Even explanations that feel correct to us are almost certainly wrong in important ways.
There’s plenty of scholarship on the various reasons people support fascism, that’s probably your best chance for a full answer.
I have also made a joke about the democrats, and yet I too am disappointed that our country has been taken over by russian backed christian fascists.
If only if known the first thing lead to the second.
Ugh … Transatlantic train?
All social media apps generate enough data about their users to engineer effective disinformation campaigns, influence elections and sway public opinion.
The US would prefer that China has to ask Russia to do that, rather than having direct access.
It also helps the china hawks in the US government who want war by contributing to the perception of China as implacably malicious.
There was a study from Princeton showing that no major policy has aligned with public opinion since the civil rights era.
There is no measurable way that our government has reflected the will of the majority in over 50 years.
Lol, this is my first time hearing about this game. On gog.com it has 1.8/5 score, or 4.8 from verified owners.
That would suggest that most people who’ve played it liked it well enough.
I would call this qualia chauvinism, when people need to feel their subjective experience is universal.
It’s possible to spend your own money unethically. I don’t think your argument is sound.
Grifters trying to stymie competing grifts is the ideal use of our throughly corrupt court system. Just the perfect venue for that. It’s like an inception of lies and money.
US military recruitment is so bad they spent ~$10M advertising with the Rock’s football league, only to lose recruits AND viewers for the football league.
The national guard spent ~100M on nascar recruiting, which generated 25K recruits. Only 20 of those were qualified (99.92% unqualified). Of those 20, all declined to join.
Our russian controlled white house will probably host several more PR stunts like this as they work towards their goal of fully cutting off US aid to ukraine.
I think it makes more sense to look at this as the latest step in that plan, rather than an unexpected event that with uncertain consequences to puzzle over. If this particular stunt was axed at the last minute, the situation in 6-12 months would likely be the exact same.
Ukraine was never going to accept a shakedown attempt from a proven welcher working for their enemy, nor agree to a full russian victory just because it was called peace.