Playable. I swear I had them mostly unlocked before having a kid, but they seemed to have disappeared. I know I definitely had Luigi unlocked at some point, but I just refought him
Playable. I swear I had them mostly unlocked before having a kid, but they seemed to have disappeared. I know I definitely had Luigi unlocked at some point, but I just refought him
I’ve been working my way through unlocking all the charters in Smash Ultimate. Otherwise, I’m playing Another Crabs Tresure and Xdefient on XBox. I really don’t get alot of time to play in the week anymore
I’m currently playing 2 games.
Another Crabs Treasure. Currently, I’m at a point where I think I need to level up. Most enemies are nearly 1 shotting me. I think I need more vitality.
Xdefient. Mostly just to have an FPS that I can jump into and play a few quick matches
These remind me of this Thoughts and Prayers Commercial
Surely, the life begins at birth people will mourne say this is a travesty
Stray bullet also makes it sound like it was “aimed” and mjssed the target a little bit
I’d prefer after, so I can watch them scramble like the cockroaches they are
To be fair, there are lots of unhelthy vegan foods. Just because “veg” is in the name of your dietary preference doesn’t mean you can just eat oreos all day
Is this how the robot uprising starts?
While i like the memo as a piece of evidence, I prefer the power point they made better
It’s been a while since I played SMBU. It’s probably around a year. I didn’t know it was a thing to lose progress. Figured it was likely due to using the memory card for another device, but I thought it was saved to the cloud.
Xdefient is fun. Some lobbies are sweaty, but most are pretty fair. Having played CoD the last 2 “releases,” I wish the unlock progress was similar. It’s be nice to unlock an attachment for a weapon, and it would be available across that weapon style like SMG, AR, SNP, etc.
It plays similar to CoD BOps(?) Where you have Ultimate Abilities, with your character. None seem too overpowered in XDefient. Passive abilities are pretty fun, too, like do you want more damage but less range? More health? Silencer built into tour character? So far, it has been fun. All guns are feasible. Not a meta that I can see as of yet. I’m around level 30. Haven’t played for about a week hence being vaugue. I’m hoping to get on tonight after the kid is down for the evening