I’ve had 2 ACL reconstructions, but the first knee surgery I had was a scope. The surgeon allowed me to stay awake and it was freaking awesome to watch the little grinder and vacuum at work!
I’ve had 2 ACL reconstructions, but the first knee surgery I had was a scope. The surgeon allowed me to stay awake and it was freaking awesome to watch the little grinder and vacuum at work!
Using verbiage like “appears to” and “looks like” means you have no proof either way. You’re simply guessing rather than taking the word of a news source that is clearly Israeli - who under any other circumstances would be believed - but you can’t seem to get beyond the fact that a Palestinian might just be telling the truth.
If you wanna argue the opposite, find some facts first.
Tbf Canadian military personnel stories aren’t that much different than American.
I know guys who have military service and they face similar shit as Americans do.
The only difference between CAN and the US is we aren’t involved in half the conflicts America is.
Darks in one pile (towels, shirts, pants, underwear)
Lights in one pile (same as above)
Bedding in one pile
So being boiled to death doesn’t count?
Here’s the paper.
And fava beans.
Vaginas remember the bad balls.
I was wondering if there is a link between cellular memory and how trauma is encoded into DNA?
Maybe. At least he flip-flops, which means he could change his tune with enough backlash.
I’m hopeful that the archivists were looking to transfer their servers elsewhere (if they could while in the middle of that lawsuit).
If not it will likely be gone. :/
Uh huh.
Got some data to back that?