I was assuming that the commenter was claiming 99% of Americans couldn’t name a black American historical figure.
Just another guy abandoning the old internet.
I was assuming that the commenter was claiming 99% of Americans couldn’t name a black American historical figure.
Ugh George Washington Carver is known by a LOT OF people. Not to mention we have days dedicated to some of the greatest historical black Americans, Martin Luther King Jr for instance. But outside of that nearly every American knows a decent amount.
Even the hateful useless Americans know President Barack Obama.
Others of note when I asked several friends at work (blue collar average Joes and Jills, hotel maintenance):
Booker T Washington Rosa Parks Harriet Tubman Jackie Robinson Malcolm X Hattie McDaniel Fredrick Douglass Oprah Winfrey (yeah I don’t know if this counts but I included it)
Out of the 15 or so people I asked all of them said Obama and MLK Jr.
What even is this headline. I want to say titlegore but it’s verbatim from Reuters. Have they completely given up?
Not to mention using white phosphorus bombs as well. I’m not for either side but it’s time Israel is held accountable for war crimes.
I work for Travel and Leisure technically but specifically the Wyndham Resorts would be the line of hotels I work in. Even when I worked for Starwood Luxury Brand hotels it was similar but rather than chemical treatment it was whole room heat treatment which required removing nearly everything from the rooms first.
Their net profits have fallen considerably since 2021 but that can be attributed to the chip shortage. I chose gross profit because you take the 40% increase for the 57,000 hourly ford employees making on average $19/hr and you’d end up reducing their gross profit by $900 million. That’s a large amount of money but in general would only be around 25% of their net profit (going off pre COVID numbers) annually. Those same workers would then be able to afford the vehicles they’re building day in and day out. As it stands $19 an hour is just $39,520 a year which means it’s not likely they can afford a new car that they themselves are building.
Edit: Looks like their heaviest expenditures lately were factory overhauls for redesigned F-150 pickups thus causing their net profit losses.
I had to jump through multiple hoops and complete a nearly perfect CAARS test before I could even get into contact with my psych. And then it was roughly a couple months talking with her before I was diagnosed. All in podunk USA. So it’s not rampant everywhere, especially since it’s nearly impossible to even find a psychiatrist within 150 miles of my house.
Yeah I’m waiting for the generic to become available to see if my insurance will cover it. But my dr already set me up in that they requested the generic for the last year even though it wasn’t available and it was instead filled with the brand name. So when it comes to availability it shouldn’t be anything other than filling with the generic.
Then what of all those who wouldn’t get unemployment when they’re laid off because a union decided to strike for more favorable conditions.
I had typed out this HUGE rant about how it would hurt Ford’s bottom line severely to give into the UAW strike demands. So I did some research to help my stance. I was wrong. Year over year, for the past 3 years, Ford Motor has shown an increase of at least 9% gross profit. Ford could very easily afford to cut into some of the more than $24 billion dollar gross profit to give into the 40% raise the UAW are requesting. I’d be willing to bet GM and others involved are in nearly the same boat.
Edit: That being said their net profit has taken a steep dive in the last few years so I’d assume there is some cooking of the books going on.
This is 100% correct. Sadly it’s not as transparent as it should be and quite a lot of corporations have ways of getting around it. Not to mention during COVID there was a lot of taking from the fund but nearly no returning.
Playing devil’s advocate but what would be the point in working if you got paid similarly by just striking? A worker’s strike is a gamble and always has been. In this instance the workers do not have the upper hand because demand for domestic made vehicles has plummeted and automation is nearly capable of replacing the workers.
Another thing I don’t understand is this isn’t unemployment. This is chosen by the worker and the union and so it’s not unemployment but refusal to work.
Amazing there is a shortage right at the same time that Vyvanse has finally become a generic. I haven’t had Vyvanse for 2 weeks now due to the shortage. It’s been… difficult.
Edit: I also take Adderall for long days at work and it’s been in short supply for over a year now which has made it even harder.
Firestone and Ford (271 died)
Fixes anything with a multitool man.
This would make a good sub name.
Work at a hotel. We have them occasionally. When a room is found to have them the room is put off market for 24 hrs as are any adjacent rooms either beside or above/below. They’re chemically treated at the beginning of the 24 hrs. This includes destroying ALL linens and chemically treating any fabric surfaces as well. The rooms are “flipped” with every headboard and painting removed from the walls during treatment. The mattresses have bedbug prevention (bedbug covers) already on them but they’re inspected and replaced regularly. At 16 hours the rooms are checked and verified there are no active bedbugs. The rooms are then steam treated for good measure. At 22 hours they’re cleaned with special vacuums to prevent relocation.
If a guest is in the room when they are found then all of their clothing and laundry are heat treated and inspected.
This seems to be the industry standard for large corporate hotels. I work for one of the largest in the world. This is our SOP. It’s expensive but we don’t end up with infestations so it apparently works.
Sounds like all the JavaScript I’ve ever seen.