That my friends, is a cowardly and selfish act.
Forcing people to stay alive against their will while they suffer in one way or another because you can’t deal with missing them is cowardly and selfish.
If I’m no longer active, I’ve most likely killed myself :)
That my friends, is a cowardly and selfish act.
Forcing people to stay alive against their will while they suffer in one way or another because you can’t deal with missing them is cowardly and selfish.
Oh shit that’s a great idea.
7 Dimensional Gender Coordinates got me
Here’s a youtube channel of a similar rebel group; I couldn’t tell you exactly who they are but I think they’re in Myanmar.
so I like to imagine cool PC setups or electronic projects I would make if I had no budget
Combine the two without a big budget; I have a dresser with drawers at the foot of my bed, with a laptop on a cooling stand in the middle one (open for ventilation), and a cheap projector in the top one that shines onto the ceiling. Cables all tuck away around the back.
That doesn’t mean they can’t go back to sleep when the neighbour is done walking their dog.
Do you have ADHD or something similar?
I always need to have something playing in the background to stop my mind from overworking.
Chief Commander sounds so much better, although it also brings to mind the image of a stoner superhero: Kief Commander
More of the latter in all honesty, since I haven’t watched it in years. I still stand by my point (which I have had as long as I can remember) of it being a weird addition, same as Israel.
For me it’s more of a baseline but that’s not saying much.
incredibly far-fetched even
I don’t see how that in any way qualifies them. If a bunch of americans start watching it live, are we gonna get them out there too?
which is also very stupid
isn’t that just timezones with extra steps?
You sexy beast you
That sounds like a great way to make all rapists murderers.
Don’t quote me on this, but I wouldn’t be surprised if many other countries considered those to be in the same camp.
holy shit that’s a cool project